Fixed Android.rules for running test suite on remote android
- the build configuration is not compatible with ndk structure, change it to link to static libc++
- generally clang should be able to use libc++ and will link against the right library, but some libc++ installations require the user manually link libc++abi.
- add flag -lc++abi to fix the test binary build failure
Added skipIfTargetAndroid skipUnlessTargetAndroid for better test support
- the skipIfPlatform method will ask lldbplatformutil.getPlatform() for platform info which is actually the os type, and Android is not os type but environment
- create this function to handle the android target condition
To Run Test on Remote Android
1 start lldb-server on your devices
2 run lldb-dotest with following configuration:
./lldb-dotest --out-of-tree-debugserver --arch aarch64 --platform-name remote-android --platform-url connect://localhost:12345 --platform-working-dir /data/local/tmp/ --compiler your/ndk/clang
This line could just be -lc++_static now for more simplicity (much like the next line).