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[ARM][SCEV][LSR] Prevent using undefined value in binops

Authored by evgeny777 on Jun 28 2019, 6:07 AM.



This is an attempt to fix

I find easiest way to fix the issue is to not creating undefined value when adding a cast in SCEV expander. For my sample function (see bug description)
subtraction of results of two different ptrtoint instructions (with the same pointer) is correctly folded to zero by the backend. However there could be
potential issues, so any suggestions are highly welcome.

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evgeny777 created this revision.Jun 28 2019, 6:07 AM

Can you reduce your test case and making your check more specific? The description on the bugzilla ticket doesn't match up to your description and the CHECK in lsr-undef-in-binop.ll isn't helping me understand either.

This comment was removed by evgeny777.
evgeny777 added a comment.EditedJun 28 2019, 7:30 AM

Thanks for looking at it @samparker. I'll try to reduce the test case, but it's pretty hard to do this, because of lots of heuristics in LSR.
Even when I use different target (say i386) problem stops reproducing.

I'll try to explain a bit further. The problem arises when SCEV expander tries to evaluate ((-1 * %7) + %9) (see lsr-undef-in-binop.ll) which should result to zero, but
becomes undefined because while expanding (-1 * %7) value %9 is converted to %10 = ptrtoint i8* undef to i32. The two values %8 = ptrtoint i8* %7 to i32 which
is evaluated %7 and %10 = ptrtoint i8* undef to i32 (evaluated %9) are passed to InsertBinop(Instruction::Sub, ...) (see visitAddExpr).

This results in broken IR after running opt -S -loop-reduce:

%8 = ptrtoint i8* %7 to i32
; ...
%10 = ptrtoint i8* undef to i32  ; %10 is undefined
; ...

%120 = sub i32 %10, %8  ; the result of this binary operation is undefined
%121 = sub i32 %120, %5  ; the result is undefined as well
%scevgep8 = getelementptr i8, i8* %118, i32 %121  ; value of scevgep8 is undefined
; ...

; the loop below corresponds to construct_backwards called from std::vector and inlined
124:                                              ; preds = %.preheader, %124
  %lsr.iv = phi i32 [ 0, %.preheader ], [, %124 ]
; ..... loop body (skipped) = add i32 %lsr.iv, -1
  %tmp = inttoptr i32 to i8*
  %126 = icmp eq i8* %scevgep8, %tmp  ; The result of this comparison is undefined. On my device it runs until overwrites random memory location and program crashes
  br i1 %126, label %127, label %124

My patch attempts to fix the issue by not making cast instruction undefined. If you apply the patch you'll get:

%8 = ptrtoint i8* %7 to i32
; ...
%10 = ptrtoint i8* %7 to i32  ; %10 is defined

All values depending on %10 become defined.

It looks like this problem is stemming from the fact that values are often cached during expansion, so even though the cast is replaced by a new value, the old value is still being used later on. Value reuse seems at important theme in this transform, so maybe we could try to introduce a map of updated values so that we don't reuse 'dead' instructions? I don't know what trade-offs we should be considering here though. This approach is certainly more simple and less likely to break again in the future.

evgeny777 added a comment.EditedJul 2 2019, 4:01 AM

so maybe we could try to introduce a map of updated values so that we don't reuse 'dead' instructions?

I tried this initially but the problem is that previous result of expand could become undefined after subsequent call:

Value *A = expand(Op1);
Value *B = expand(Op2); 
// A may become undefined at this point

There are lot of such potential "points of failure" in SCEVExpander and I don't easy way to address them all.
On the other hand it's much easier to strip extra IR cast instructions in SCEVExpander::clear (doing RAUW and eraseFromParent), but they will be eliminated by machine passes anyway,
so I wonder if it's worth doing

samparker accepted this revision.Jul 2 2019, 4:58 AM

Agreed that this is the simple and safe approach. It's worth adding a comment that this likely sub-optimal though.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jul 2 2019, 4:58 AM

And please could you update the test so that is clear which instructions you are testing.

And please could you update the test so that is clear which instructions you are testing.

How? Is it ok to place comments in IR, like "this instruction below is converted to undefined value and bla bla bla ...."?

There's a fair number of sub, load and ptrtoint instructions so narrowing the context of the checks would be good, just checking which basic block would be good. As well as what GEP the load is using. Thanks.

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