This change adds an option -g to llvm-objcopy which is an alias for the existing option --strip-debug.
I also modified the existing tests which use the --strip-debug option to exercise the -g option as well.
This fixes PR40003.
Differential D57217
llvm-objcopy: Add support for -g as an alias for --strip-debug dyung on Jan 24 2019, 8:26 PM. Authored by
Details This change adds an option -g to llvm-objcopy which is an alias for the existing option --strip-debug. I also modified the existing tests which use the --strip-debug option to exercise the -g option as well. This fixes PR40003.
Diff Detail Event Timeline
Comment Actions Code lgtm, just have nits on the testing. Thanks!
Comment Actions Remove redundant testing and leave in one check that -g and --strip-debug produce identical output. |
This test -- running cmp against -g and --strip-debug output -- is really all that's needed. Duplication in all the other tests is not providing any more coverage. I think it's safe to revert all the other test files and all other modifications in this file.