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[PowerPC] [Clang] Add vector int128 pack/unpack builtins

Authored by wuzish on Sep 13 2018, 10:42 PM.



unsigned long long builtin_unpack_vector_int128 (vector int128_t, int);
vector int128_t builtin_pack_vector_int128 (unsigned long long, unsigned long long);

Builtins should behave the same way as in GCC.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

wuzish created this revision.Sep 13 2018, 10:42 PM

Please make this patch commit after

nemanjai accepted this revision.Sep 14 2018, 6:38 AM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Sep 14 2018, 6:38 AM

Please help me to commit this patch. Thanks a lot.

I will commit the patch for you.

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.