The interpolation mode workaround ensures that at least one
interpolation mode is enabled in PSInputAddr. It does not also check
PSInputEna on the basis that the user might enable bits in that
depending on run-time state.
However, for amdpal os type, the user does not enable some bits after
compilation based on run-time states; the register values being
generated here are the final ones set in the hardware. Therefore, apply
the workaround to PSInputAddr and PSInputEnable together. (The case
where a bit is set in PSInputAddr but not in PSInputEnable is where the
frontend set up an input arg for a particular interpolation mode, but
nothing uses that input arg. Really we should have an earlier pass that
removes such an arg.)
Could you make this guarded by isAmdPalOS? For Mesa, it's possible that another shader part will enable some of those input bits, so we want to set those enables only after the combined enable mask is known.