This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[SLPVectorizer] Add struct InstructionsState, NFC

Authored by dtemirbulatov on Aug 28 2017, 6:23 AM.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

dtemirbulatov created this revision.Aug 28 2017, 6:23 AM
RKSimon edited edge metadata.Sep 4 2017, 9:01 AM

You'd be better off if you reduced this patch to just the introduction of a minimal InstructionsState struct - there is far too much going on in this patch

dtemirbulatov updated this revision to Diff 114012.EditedSep 6 2017, 8:15 AM

reduce the change a bit further and rebase.

RKSimon accepted this revision.Sep 8 2017, 4:09 AM


This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Sep 8 2017, 4:09 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.