This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[gold] Fix up a new test to allow it to pass on non x86 builds.

Authored by dmgreen on Aug 25 2017, 6:08 AM.



Same deal as, the test is failing on
a downstream ARM/AArch64 bootstrap. We just need to add an
elf_x86_64 parameter to gold.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

dmgreen created this revision.Aug 25 2017, 6:08 AM
tejohnson accepted this revision.Aug 25 2017, 6:42 AM
tejohnson added a subscriber: tejohnson.


It would be great to have a bot that catches these.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 25 2017, 6:42 AM

Thanks. Sounds sensible. I'll try and see what the Linaro guys say.

davide edited edge metadata.Aug 25 2017, 8:04 AM

LGTM. And yes, I concur a bot is essential for fixing catching these early.

davide closed this revision.Aug 25 2017, 9:20 AM