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[ARM] Make ARMExpandPseudo add implicit uses for predicated instructions

Authored by efriedma on Jul 7 2017, 3:28 PM.



Missing these could potentially screw up post-ra scheduling.

Issue found by inspection, so I don't have a real testcase. Included test just verifies the expected operands after expansion.

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efriedma created this revision.Jul 7 2017, 3:28 PM
rovka added a subscriber: rovka.Jul 10 2017, 2:47 AM

Hi Eli,

I couldn't find an awful lot of tests for ARM pseudo expansion in particular, so I think it would be nice to add one. A MIR test checking each of the transformations that you touched in this patch would work fine.

I've been looking into this area myself recently and found it all a bit confusing. I have a few questions inline, sorry if they're a bit basic.



How exactly does this work? You're already passing the register from MI.getOperand(1) to BuildMI, which IIUC will mark it as a define. Why do you also need to make it implicit?


IIUC, MOVi16 is AI1, not AsI1. Doesn't that mean it shouldn't set any CC, so you don't need an implicit operand for it at all?

OK, I'll add a testcase.


We also need to mark it as a use (the instruction is predicated, so if the predicate is false, the value isn't modified).

It's an implicit use because it isn't encoded anywhere in the instruction.


It doesn't modify CPSR. It uses CPSR ("MI.getOperand(4)"). I'm not sure how that's relevant to this patch, though.

efriedma updated this revision to Diff 106109.Jul 11 2017, 3:51 PM
efriedma edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

Added testcases (didn't add a testcase for every single opcode, since there's a lot of them, but this should be enough to illustrate what's happening).

rovka added a comment.Jul 12 2017, 4:44 AM

Thanks for the test-case and the explanations.
LGTM but you should probably wait for someone more versed in these things to give the final approval.


Sorry, I don't know where I was going with that, the code looks perfectly fine.

69 ↗(On Diff #106109)

If you want to move the checks closer to the code, you can use ; CHECK (instead of # CHECK).

olista01 accepted this revision.Sep 1 2017, 5:55 AM
olista01 added a subscriber: olista01.

This LGTM, but could you please commit the pass registration changes as a separate commit, as they are not really related to this change.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Sep 1 2017, 5:55 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.