This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

Add missing FileCheck, update CHECK lines and avoid subshell

Authored by rafael on Mar 28 2017, 10:09 AM.



I noticed that this file had CHECK lines but no FileCheck run.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

rafael created this revision.Mar 28 2017, 10:09 AM
filcab edited edge metadata.

Adding mpividori as he's been doing a bunch of stuff in sancov recently. I'm not sure what we're expecting from the test (especially the disappearance of PCs in the ChildPID cov file)

rnk edited reviewers, added: eugenis, aizatsky; removed: mpividori.Apr 5 2017, 3:44 PM
rnk added a subscriber: mpividori.
rnk edited edge metadata.Apr 5 2017, 3:47 PM

Looks like this was missing since @eugenis added it in rL210180.

There should be some non-zero number of PCs from the child process, these globs should pick up two ${pid}.sancov.raw files and unpack them to ${pid}.sancov.

eugenis edited edge metadata.Apr 5 2017, 3:57 PM
eugenis added a subscriber: kcc.

Right, there should be PCs in the child .sancov.
Are they missing now? Sounds like a regression.
@kcc has rewritten this part of the code a few times since I've last looked.

rnk added inline comments.Apr 6 2017, 4:08 PM

Let's commit this with a CHECKX: and a FIXME to bring back the child pcs.

rafael updated this revision to Diff 94528.Apr 7 2017, 9:00 AM


rafael updated this revision to Diff 94530.Apr 7 2017, 9:12 AM

Actually disable the second check.

So, is the last version with the FIXME OK?

rnk accepted this revision.Apr 25 2017, 9:18 AM

Yep, looks good. I missed the XCHECK update.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 25 2017, 9:18 AM