The tail duplication pass uses an assumed layout when making duplication
decisions. This is fine, but passes up duplication opportunities that
may arise when blocks are outlined. This change allows duplication after
layout decisions. Because we want the updated CFG to affect subsequent
placement decisions, duplication must occur during placement.
In order to achieve this goal, TailDuplicationPass is split into a
utility class, TailDuplicator, and the pass itself. The pass delegates
nearly everything to the TailDuplicator object, except for looping over
the blocks in a function. This allows the same code to be used for tail
duplication in both places.
This change, in concert with outlining optional branches, allows
triangle shaped code to perform much better, esepecially when the
taken/untaken branches are correlated, as it creates a second spine when
the tests are small enough.
This name is very confusing. Just name it as TailDupThresholdInLayout. Perhaps document that this is also used to 'force' the tail merge at the high threshold to avoid it undoing tailDup decisions.