Previously, foldExtractFromBroadcast() would incorrectly fold:
func.func @extract_from_stretch_broadcast(%src: vector<3x1x2xf32>) -> f32 { %0 = vector.broadcast %src : vector<3x1x2xf32> to vector<3x4x2xf32> %1 = vector.extract %0[0, 2, 0] : vector<3x4x2xf32> return %1: f32 }
func.func @extract_from_stretch_broadcast(%src: vector<3x1x2xf32>) -> f32 { %0 = vector.extract %src[0, 2, 0] : vector<3x1x2xf32> return %0: f32 }
This was due to the wrong offset being used when zeroing the "dim-1"
broadcasted dims. It should use the difference in rank across the
broadcast as the starting offset, as the ranks after that are the ones
that could have been stretched.