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[mlir][VectorOps] Fix folding of vector.extract from stretch vector.broadcast

Authored by benmxwl-arm on Aug 3 2023, 7:26 AM.



Previously, foldExtractFromBroadcast() would incorrectly fold:

func.func @extract_from_stretch_broadcast(%src: vector<3x1x2xf32>) -> f32 {
  %0 = vector.broadcast %src : vector<3x1x2xf32> to vector<3x4x2xf32>
  %1 = vector.extract %0[0, 2, 0] : vector<3x4x2xf32>
  return %1: f32


func.func @extract_from_stretch_broadcast(%src: vector<3x1x2xf32>) -> f32 {
  %0 = vector.extract %src[0, 2, 0] : vector<3x1x2xf32>
  return %0: f32

This was due to the wrong offset being used when zeroing the "dim-1"
broadcasted dims. It should use the difference in rank across the
broadcast as the starting offset, as the ranks after that are the ones
that could have been stretched.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

benmxwl-arm created this revision.Aug 3 2023, 7:26 AM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald Transcript
benmxwl-arm requested review of this revision.Aug 3 2023, 7:26 AM
benmxwl-arm edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Aug 3 2023, 7:44 AM
dcaballe accepted this revision.Aug 3 2023, 9:29 AM


This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 3 2023, 9:29 AM
awarzynski accepted this revision.Aug 3 2023, 1:36 PM

LGTM, thanks!