- Option --variable_names <names> allows the user to pass names for FileCheck regexps representing variables. Variable names are separated by commas, and empty names can be used to generate specific variable names automatically. For example, --variable-names arg_0,arg_1,,,result will produce regexp names ARG_0, ARG_1, VAR_0, VAR_1, RESULT, VAR_2, VAR_3, ...
- Option '--attribute_names <names>' can be used to generate global regexp names to represent attributes. Useful for affine maps. Same behavior as '--variable_names'.
- Bug fixed for scope detection of SSA variables in ops with nested regions that return SSA values (e.g., 'linalg.generic'). Originally, returned SSA values were inserted in the nested scope.
This version of the tool has been used to generate unit tests for the following
patch: https://reviews.llvm.org/D153291
For example, the main body of the test named 'test_select_2d_one_dynamic' was
generated using the following command:
$ mlir-opt -pass-pipeline='builtin.module(func.func(tosa-to-linalg))' test_select_2d_one_dynamic.tosa.mlir | generate-test-checks.py --attribute_names map0,map1,map2 --variable_names arg0,arg1,arg2,const1,arg0_dim1,arg1_dim1,,arg2_dim1,max_dim1,,,arg0_broadcast,,,,,,,arg1_broadcast,,,,,,,arg2_broadcast,,,,,,result