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[SCEV] Skip min/max expressions when normalizing/denormalizing SCEV expressions
Needs ReviewPublic

Authored by dmakogon on May 31 2023, 5:02 AM.



Don't do SCEV normalization and denormalization for max/min expressions.
Generally normalizing SCEV returns an inequivalent expression in which max/min may become redundant, so scalar evolution can simplify it. Denormalizing such expression wouldn't return the missing max/min back. This also works the other way around: if we first denormalize an expression that contains min/max-s, and then normalize it.
AFAIU for any expression S, S must be equal to normalize(denormalize(S)), and also the other way around - S == denormalize(normalize(S)), so it's illegal to do normalization/denormalization on expressions containing min/max.

Consider the following example. Imagine we have the following loop:

  %iv = phi [ 11, %entry ], [, %loop ]
  %umax = umax(%iv, 10) = add %iv, -4
  %loop.cond = u< 7
  br i1 %loop.cond, %exit, %loop

It executes exactly two iterations.
The SCEV for %umax is (10 umax {11,+,-4}).
Normalizing it for loop '%loop' would give us (10 umax {15,+,-4}).
Now, as the loop has only two iterations, the AddRec {15,+,-4} is always greater than 10, so SCEV simplifies the expression to {15,+,-4}.
Denormalizing it back would give a wrong result - {11,+,-4}.
Obviously on the 2nd iteration the value of %umax is 10, but according to SCEV it's 11 - 4 = 7.
One can also come up with analagous examples for smax, umin and smin.

Prohibiting normalization/denormalization for min/max expressions resolves the issue.

This fixes miscompilation described in
LSR does request normalization when creating initial formulae for values and it denormalized them back before expansion. The example described above is a short version of the test case in the bug.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

dmakogon created this revision.May 31 2023, 5:02 AM
dmakogon requested review of this revision.May 31 2023, 5:02 AM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptMay 31 2023, 5:02 AM
dmakogon edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)May 31 2023, 5:04 AM
nikic added a comment.May 31 2023, 6:30 AM

First time I hear about SCEV normalization/denormalization. The entire approach looks highly dubious.

I'm concerned that this is not a complete fix and there are other cases where normalization/denormalization do not round-trip. What is the criterion that distinguishes min/max from other SCEV expressions? Could something similar affect udiv expressions for example?

I also noticed that there is a check in IVUsers for normalization/denormalization roundtrip at


Presumably umin_seq also needs to be handled.


Please precommit this change. This test should be showing a difference in generated IR.

First time I hear about SCEV normalization/denormalization. The entire approach looks highly dubious.

I'm concerned that this is not a complete fix and there are other cases where normalization/denormalization do not round-trip. What is the criterion that distinguishes min/max from other SCEV expressions? Could something similar affect udiv expressions for example?

I also noticed that there is a check in IVUsers for normalization/denormalization roundtrip at

Thanks for replying!

I agree that this transformation is fishy. There is no clear documentation on it. And I'm not sure whether the round-trip property must hold, but seems like in places where it was used when it was added initially authors assumed it did hold.

I looked at the check you mentioned and at the issue that check is supposed to solve (
And it seems to me that it was added just as a quick workaround for this exact issue that sometimes the round-trip property is not preserved.
The test case described in PR17473 has a loop with exactly 127 backedge-taken count and there's a value there with such SCEV: (sext i8 {1,+,1}<nuw><%for.body> to i32).
On the last iteration the addrec overflows and its value is -128, so sext is needed there. Normalizing would subtract 1 from the addrec start value and so it cannot overflow anymore ({0,+,1} so sext can be safely discarded. If we denormalize, we get just {1,+,1}.

So yes, you're right. The current patch doesn't cover all the cases. Clearly we have to prohibit normalization of sext and zext as well.
For udiv I think the following example works. Let S be i32 ({1,+,1}<nuw><%loop> /u -1) and the loop runs until {1,+,1} is equal -1. So it's always zero except for the last iteration when it's value is one. S_norm = ({0,+,1}<nuw><%loop> /u -1) and here SCEV doesn't turn into constant zero, but I think it could. And if it did, then obviously denormalization would give a wrong result.

And also turning the whole thing off causes many LSR tests to regress, mainly there are just more IVs left in the code after LSR. There's a considerable amount of code in that pass that depends on normalization, and I think it would take some time to review all such places.

I propose that we state this clearly somewhere that the round-trip property must be preserved and fix the current normalization/denormalization code accordingly (only allow normalization in cases when round-trip is preserved).

dmakogon added inline comments.Jun 19 2023, 4:23 AM

Unfortunately, miscompilation on this test is not reproducible after 6ed152aff4aa. Before that patch, SCEV didn't initially simplify the expression it returned after normalization to just the AddRec (however it could). And denormalizing it back would return the initial expression and the bail out you mentioned in another comment here wouldn't work.
Simplification actually did happen later in LSR and it lead to illegal transform.
With that patch applied, SCEV performs the simplification during normalization due to more precise ranges available for the expression, and then the bail out works and normalized expression is discarded.

I couldn't come up with another IR test, but I think the issue can still happen if some simplifications won't apply right after normalization and the bail out won't work.

dmakogon updated this revision to Diff 532602.Jun 19 2023, 4:24 AM

Removed the test which is not reproducible after 6ed152aff4aa.

We continue relying on normalization/denormalization round trip producing the original expression (e.g. D153004). Even if this patch doesn't fix all the cases where this property doesn't hold true, it is an improvement.

@nikic, @fhahn, are there any objections to moving forward with this change as a first step?

nikic added a comment.Jul 13 2023, 1:06 PM

We continue relying on normalization/denormalization round trip producing the original expression (e.g. D153004). Even if this patch doesn't fix all the cases where this property doesn't hold true, it is an improvement.

@nikic, @fhahn, are there any objections to moving forward with this change as a first step? made normalizeForPostIncUse() return nullptr if it normalization/denormalization doesn't round-trip -- shouldn't that fully address this issue? Do you still see normalization related miscompiles in LSR after that change?

I missed that change. Yes, that should be sufficient to address the original issue.