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[clang-repl] Introduce Value to capture expression results

Authored by junaire on Jan 7 2023, 10:58 PM.



This is the second part of the below RFC:

This patch implements a Value class that can be used to carry expression
results in clang-repl. In other words, when we see a top expression
without semi, it will be captured and stored to a Value object. You can
explicitly specify where you want to store the object, like:

Value V;
llvm::cantFail(Interp->ParseAndExecute("int x = 42;"));
llvm::cantFail(Interp->ParseAndExecute("x", &V));

V now stores some useful infomation about x, you can get its real
value (42), it's clang::QualType or anything interesting.

However, if you don't specify the optional argument, it will be captured
to a local variable, and automatically called Value::dump, which is
not implemented yet in this patch.

Signed-off-by: Jun Zhang <>

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Thanks again for your efforts pushing this patch. It has gone a long way and I believe we are getting there.


We can include the others that you suggest. All the relevant ones are described in clang::BuiltinType::getName.

Okay, so the plan is to handle all the builtin types (_BitInt, _Complex, various floating point formats, etc)? Will that be part of this patch or in follow-up work? (My intuition is that we should consider it up front because some of the builtin types are interesting -- like _BitInt because it's parameterized, which makes it novel compared to the other types.)

That's a good point. I think the current patch offers a new capability and it is probably fine to not address all at once. My concern is that @junaire has a month to work on these things and this patch is the first out of two patches. The risk here is to drop the ball on that altogether if we add more work as a requirement for that patch to go in.

We cannot use BuiltinTypes.def because we want to have a mapping between the type as written in the language (eg, bool, unsigned, etc) and its underlying type name. That mapping is not available in BuiltinTypes.def. Ideally we should extend BuiltinTypes.def somehow but I'd prefer outside of this patch. One of the challenges is that some of the types depend on the language options (eg. _Bool vs bool) and I am not sure this can be resolved by tablegen.

Thanks for the explanation! BuiltinTypes.def works well enough for times when we want to use macros and include the file to generate switch cases and the likes, but you're right that it's not well-suited for this. One thing to consider is whether we should change BuiltinTypes.def to be instead and use tablegen to generate the macro/include dance form as well as other output (such as for your needs, that can then consider language options or more complex predicates).

I am totally with you here. I am not sure how to do this since as of now some of the types and their form as written are decided with a flag (IIRC the various char flavors).

FWIW, we should probably move all of these entities in a separate namespace. I'd suggest caas (compiler-as-a-service) and possibly rename the Value to InterpreterValue since Value is very generic and there are already a couple of classes with that name in llvm and clang.

I'm not in love with the name caas because that's not really a common acronym or abbreviation (and it looks like a typo due to aa). However, we already have an interp namespace in Clang for one of the other interpreters (constant expression evaluation), so that's not available for use. How about repl though?

The only problem I have with repl is misleading. repl usually means to people something that you run at your prompt and can type some expressions in and see some results. However, here we are building a foundational primitive to allow embedding an interpreter as part of your static program and be able to cross the compiler/interpreter boundary. The compiler-as-a-service (caas) is probably the closest I could find in CS research terminology to describe that. Would adding some solid bits of documentation to the entire approach make you more comfortable with that naming?

FWIW, the namespace comment should not be a requirement for this particular patch. I think it is totally fine to keep it as it is and do the change outside of this patch to help the review. Moreover, we will probably need to move some of the existing components already.

As for considering changing the name from Value because of how many other Value types we have already... that's both a reason to rename and reason not to rename. I think I'm fine leaving it as Value so long as it's in a novel namespace.

Ok, if that's not confusing, then let's keep it the way it was. That way it should be easier to adopt that downstream for sure!


We have a few components like the Lexer that are extremely prone to performance regressions.

In terms for a longer-term plan in addressing this there are some steps could help IMO. First, this component is relatively standalone and very few changes will be required over time, for these I am hoping to be listed as a reviewer. Second, we can add a comment in the include area, making a note that including anything here will degrade the performance of almost all interpreted code. Third, we will find out about this in our downstream use-cases as the things get significantly slower.

Neither is silver bullet but that's probably the best we could do at that time. Btw, we might be able to add a test that's part of LLVM's performance analysis infrastructure.


Can you add an #ifdef __cplusplus and add a value printing tests that run in clang-repl in C mode?

junaire updated this revision to Diff 518285.Apr 30 2023, 2:45 AM
junaire marked 3 inline comments as done.

Only enable __clang_Interpreter_SetValueCopyArr support in C++ mode.

junaire added inline comments.Apr 30 2023, 3:35 AM

I added a test case for this.


We want to rename:
getAs --> as
castAs --> convertTo

Does these look good to you?

junaire marked an inline comment as done.May 1 2023, 8:18 AM
junaire added inline comments.

After a private chat, we decide to disable the feature in C mode because it sounds like a bad idea to give C incomplete value printing support.

aaron.ballman added inline comments.May 2 2023, 8:48 AM

We can include the others that you suggest. All the relevant ones are described in clang::BuiltinType::getName.

Okay, so the plan is to handle all the builtin types (_BitInt, _Complex, various floating point formats, etc)? Will that be part of this patch or in follow-up work? (My intuition is that we should consider it up front because some of the builtin types are interesting -- like _BitInt because it's parameterized, which makes it novel compared to the other types.)

That's a good point. I think the current patch offers a new capability and it is probably fine to not address all at once. My concern is that @junaire has a month to work on these things and this patch is the first out of two patches. The risk here is to drop the ball on that altogether if we add more work as a requirement for that patch to go in.

Yeah, the current patch is incremental progress, so I think it's defensible to leave this to follow-up work. But I worry that follow-up work is going to be hampered by the design choices made here, and I mostly want to avoid a situation where this works inconsistently and that's "good enough" for an extended period of time. It feels a bit like working with any builtin type is part of the MVP. However, I don't insist because this is still useful forward progress for a lot of use cases.

The only problem I have with repl is misleading. repl usually means to people something that you run at your prompt and can type some expressions in and see some results. However, here we are building a foundational primitive to allow embedding an interpreter as part of your static program and be able to cross the compiler/interpreter boundary. The compiler-as-a-service (caas) is probably the closest I could find in CS research terminology to describe that. Would adding some solid bits of documentation to the entire approach make you more comfortable with that naming?

On the one hand, if we have to document what the name means, the name isn't very meaningful. On the other hand, we use ento for the static analyzer (because of "entomologist", one who studies bugs...), so I don't think users routinely get hung up by not understanding the namespace identifier. If you think caas is the best name for this, then let's go with that unless someone has a better suggestion.

FWIW, the namespace comment should not be a requirement for this particular patch. I think it is totally fine to keep it as it is and do the change outside of this patch to help the review. Moreover, we will probably need to move some of the existing components already.



Yeah, that's a fair point, except nothing actually validates that the opaque pointer you are handed is actually valid for anything because it eventually just does a reinterpret_cast, so I don't think the constructor will fail.


Thank you for the test case!


Yeah, I think those are good replacements, thank you!


Neither is silver bullet but that's probably the best we could do at that time. Btw, we might be able to add a test that's part of LLVM's performance analysis infrastructure.

Yeah, we should probably consider doing that. But to make sure I understand the performance concerns... when we change functionality in the lexer, we (potentially) slow down the lexing phase of compilation. That's straightforward and unsurprising. But in this case, it sounds like the act of including another header file in this header file will cause a runtime performance concern, even if no other changes are made. If I'm correct, I can't think of anything else in the compiler that works like that.


Is that disable happening in this patch, or is it in a different patch?


The ArrSize argument is being passed for Ptr in the call... is that correct? (It makes sense to me, but I don't get why the parameter is named Ptr to begin with.)


This question applies more generally than just this function, but should we be requiring these interfaces to supply a SourceLocation rather than hard-coding no location information? That can make it easier to see what's going on when dumping the AST for debugging purposes, etc even if it's not necessary for diagnostics or other reasons. (I don't insist, just a speculative question about the interface.)


What is Ptr pointing to?

Should this be renamed to UIntPtrTLiteralExpr with a comment that says it creates an integer literal whose type is uinptr_t?


That's all the more reason to document the numbers -- should they stay in sync with Cling?


Then reuse BT below instead of converting it again. (It's usually a code smell to have isa<> followed by cast<> operations.)

junaire updated this revision to Diff 518952.May 2 2023, 8:24 PM
junaire marked 16 inline comments as done.

Address comments from @aaron.ballman, thanks!


Thanks for the comments from @aaron.ballman & @v.g.vassilev. So IIUC we'll handle the builtin types in later patches and add a namespace (caas) for the entire libclangInterpreter infrastructure.


I believe what @v.g.vassilev means is that the repl itself might include Value.h as a part of *runtime*, so if the header is heavy, you can notice the repl is slowed down. (That's obvious) So keep in mind we're breaking the boundary between the compiled code and interpreted code (It's kinda confusing) here it actually impacts interpreted code.


In, See ParseStmt.cpp:551


Sorry, my bad. I renamed the argument name, it should make sense now. (Pass ArrSize as an interger literal`)


Keep in mind these helpers are actually used for *synthesizing* AST nodes, so there are no SourceLocations available here. If you dumped the AST, you probably will see something like:

CallExpr 0x621000093270 'void'
|-ImplicitCastExpr 0x621000093250 'void (*)(void *, void *, void *, unsigned long long)' <FunctionToPointerDecay>
| `-DeclRefExpr 0x6210000931f8 'void (void *, void *, void *, unsigned long long)' lvalue Function 0x62100008fd98 '__clang_Interpreter_SetValueNoAlloc' 'void (void *, void *, void *, unsigned long long)'
|-CStyleCastExpr 0x621000093060 'void *' <IntegralToPointer>
| `-IntegerLiteral 0x621000093020 'unsigned long' 106515188942880
|-CStyleCastExpr 0x6210000930d0 'void *' <IntegralToPointer>
| `-IntegerLiteral 0x621000093090 'unsigned long' 106515188942912
|-CStyleCastExpr 0x621000093140 'void *' <IntegralToPointer>
| `-IntegerLiteral 0x621000093100 'unsigned long' 107820859101728
`-CStyleCastExpr 0x6210000931c8 'unsigned long long' <NoOp>
  `-ImplicitCastExpr 0x6210000931a8 'unsigned long long' <IntegralCast> part_of_explicit_cast
    `-ImplicitCastExpr 0x621000093188 'int' <LValueToRValue> part_of_explicit_cast
      `-DeclRefExpr 0x621000092ec0 'int' lvalue Var 0x621000092d50 'x' 'int'

Horrible, but that's all we can do :(


I think it should be uint64_t. Fixed.

junaire updated this revision to Diff 518960.May 2 2023, 9:10 PM
junaire marked 2 inline comments as done.

Add more comments.


I added some comments.


OK, let me try to answer why we're passing QualType in an opaque pointer way. So the Value is *constructed* in __clang_Interpreter_SetValue* variants, and these functions (let's call them runtime interfaces) are synthesized when we want to do value printing (like we have a x without semi). So it makes things pretty hard if we use a complete type (How can we synthesize that type? That dramatically complicated the code) In addition, we want Value.h, which is part of the runtime, as lightweight as possible, so we can't use the complete type in its constructor, or we have to include the corresponding header file.

junaire updated this revision to Diff 518961.May 2 2023, 9:13 PM

Fix typos

aaron.ballman added inline comments.May 3 2023, 12:32 PM

That matches my understanding.


Okay, I think I was getting hung up on your second point:

In addition, we want Value.h, which is part of the runtime, as lightweight as possible, so we can't use the complete type in its constructor, or we have to include the corresponding header file.")

while forgetting your first point:

So the Value is *constructed* in __clang_Interpreter_SetValue* variants, and these functions (let's call them runtime interfaces) are synthesized when we want to do value printing (like we have a x without semi). So it makes things pretty hard if we use a complete type (How can we synthesize that type? That dramatically complicated the code)

The first point makes sense to me and is pretty reasonable rationale for why we pass void *, thanks! The second point still isn't particularly compelling to me (more on that below).


I believe what @v.g.vassilev means is that the repl itself might include Value.h as a part of *runtime*, so if the header is heavy, you can notice the repl is slowed down. (That's obvious) So keep in mind we're breaking the boundary between the compiled code and interpreted code (It's kinda confusing) here it actually impacts interpreted code.

I'm not certain that's a reasonable design choice to make. Or, stated somewhat differently, I'm really uncomfortable with having header files we can't maintain because changing them impacts runtime performance in surprising ways. That's not a sustainable design even if we think this header will be reasonably stable. We need *some* amount of abstraction here so that we can have a clean design for the REPL interpreter without NFC code changes impacting performance. Otherwise, people will be discouraged from adding comments to this file (those take time to lex, after all), or using long identifiers (longer identifiers take longer to lex than shorter ones), or including what is used instead of using void * (as being discussed here), and so on.

This is quite probably something you've already thought about plenty, but... could we add an abstraction layer so that the interpreter side of things has a "low-token-count" interface that dispatches through to the actual implementation?


Ah, that's true, this is all synthesized.


So now this interface takes a uint64_t but it creates a uintptr_t literal; should this be making a uint64_t literal instead?


I'm still seeing IntegerLiteral *IntegerLiteralExpr(ASTContext &C, uintptr_t Ptr); for the declaration (the definition is using uint64_t though).

v.g.vassilev added inline comments.May 7 2023, 1:50 PM

I believe what @v.g.vassilev means is that the repl itself might include Value.h as a part of *runtime*, so if the header is heavy, you can notice the repl is slowed down. (That's obvious) So keep in mind we're breaking the boundary between the compiled code and interpreted code (It's kinda confusing) here it actually impacts interpreted code.

I'm not certain that's a reasonable design choice to make. Or, stated somewhat differently, I'm really uncomfortable with having header files we can't maintain because changing them impacts runtime performance in surprising ways. That's not a sustainable design even if we think this header will be reasonably stable. We need *some* amount of abstraction here so that we can have a clean design for the REPL interpreter without NFC code changes impacting performance. Otherwise, people will be discouraged from adding comments to this file (those take time to lex, after all), or using long identifiers (longer identifiers take longer to lex than shorter ones), or including what is used instead of using void * (as being discussed here), and so on.

All valid points. I guess we have seen some changes related to compilation speed in the past in the STLExtras.h (iirc, although I cannot find the right commit). We did particular changes to the header file to reduce the compilation time of some large TU builds. I'd think that's more like the case of stddef.h and similar headers in the resource directory. The more we add the worse becomes the compiler startup time.

This is quite probably something you've already thought about plenty, but... could we add an abstraction layer so that the interpreter side of things has a "low-token-count" interface that dispatches through to the actual implementation?

Yes, I have a plan that's quite ambitious (and a draft RFC): basically the idea is any #include to become a no-op for the compiler unless something is actually needed.

I understand your concern here but I don't really know how to address it in this particular patch.


Outside of this review, we've been entertaining the idea of providing a source location scratch area which represents some memory region of the decompiled to text synthesized AST. That can solve a number of general issues with synthesized code but we have not got around to experiment with it.


I believe the explanation is at the use in isAlive:

// Check whether the storage is valid by validating the canary bits.
// If someone accidentally write some invalid bits in the storage, the canary
// will be changed first, and `IsAlive` will return false then.

I'd suggest here we can say that these are random numbers that allow us to detect if someone wrote bits in our storage accidentally. Or actually refer the the documentation in isAlive.

using regular global variable instances to manage the storage on the executor side, an extended MemoryAccess interface to read/write the value from the REPL side when needed (e.g. for printing), and emitting glue functions to pass the variable's value in to callers.

Agree, that's probably the better solution. Just for the record: Values couldn't be temporaries and access must be synchronized with execution to avoid races. I guess both is easily acceptable.


[...] include Value.h as a part of *runtime*, so if the header is heavy, you can notice the repl is slowed down. (That's obvious) So keep in mind we're breaking the boundary between the compiled code and interpreted code (It's kinda confusing) here it actually impacts interpreted code.

I'm really uncomfortable with having header files we can't maintain because changing them impacts runtime performance in surprising ways. [...] could we add an abstraction layer so that the interpreter side of things has a "low-token-count" interface that dispatches through to the actual implementation?

Agree. What about splitting this up in 3 parts?
(1) Private API: interface as consumed by the libclangInterpreter
(2) Public API: interface as consumed by tools, other LLVM projects and out-of-tree
(3) Client API: the actual runtime-only parts with low-token-count etc.

(1) and (2) would be here in the source-tree. (3) is a resource file similar to intrinsics headers, I believe they have very similar requirements on performance, maintenance and versioning.



v.g.vassilev added inline comments.May 8 2023, 2:07 AM

I agree with this suggestion. We have actually tried (3) and discovered that it is challenging to write unit tests for it. The main issue is that the clang tests have been designed to avoid relying on the resource directory, which is relative to the clang binary. Moreover, some builds redefine the location of the resource directory during compilation, making it difficult to locate and pass to a unit test whose location is independent of the clang binary's location...

junaire updated this revision to Diff 520324.May 8 2023, 3:53 AM

Rebase + Update

junaire updated this revision to Diff 520326.May 8 2023, 4:02 AM
junaire marked an inline comment as done.


junaire marked 2 inline comments as done.May 8 2023, 4:04 AM
junaire marked 10 inline comments as done.May 12 2023, 12:30 AM
junaire added inline comments.

Hi @aaron.ballman, I would like to try to explain why we don't have a better approach again.

Value is very special, it's not a regular runtime that would only be used by the REPL, instead, it acts like a messager, and connects the compiled code and the interpreted code. That said both sides need to reference it. so it can't be put into the resource directory, or the host compiler that is used for compiling clang-repl can't find it, then we fail to compile. What's more, it can't be put into compiler-rt too, same reason, Interpreter.h needs to include the header. The only possible location I can think of is the regular include/clang/Interpter.

When it comes to maintenance issues, I believe that's fine. IIUC your main concern is that people will be afraid to touch this file since it has a surprising performance impact. However, the whole header is only about the declaration of Value class and it should only be used for this purpose. So unless someone is working on clang-repl, it's unlikely for them to touch it. Another thing I would like to mention is that the performance is only noticeably dropped if we pulled some large headers, like <string>, <memory>, or something like that. NFC changes like fixing typos, adding comments, and adjusting function names are totally fine. (They can't simply refactor the void* thing, or the whole program simplify fail to compile)

We could also add some comments to indicate the specificity of this header, and why people should be cautious when touching it.

aaron.ballman added inline comments.May 15 2023, 9:01 AM

I had a nice off-list conversation with @v.g.vassilev about my concerns and we think we've got a path forward to get you unblocked.

Put a gigantic, obvious note at the top of Value.h saying that 1) changes to this file impact *runtime* performance of the interpreter and so extreme caution should be used when making changes to the file, especially when including new headers., 2) A FIXME comment that explains why this design is a problem and what the very vague idea is for addressing the issue, and that the contents of this file are experimental and subject to change.

#1 helps code reviewers remember that this file is special right now, and #2 makes it clear that nobody should rely on the API being stable because we're hopefully going to make significant changes to it in the relatively near future.

(Note: one of the conversation topics was that there is interest in running the interpreter on embedded systems, which is another compelling reason that we'll need a less token-heavy interface for the performance sensitive parts.)

junaire updated this revision to Diff 522527.May 16 2023, 3:52 AM

Add comments

v.g.vassilev added inline comments.May 16 2023, 3:59 AM

I would move the note right after the only #include we got.

junaire updated this revision to Diff 522530.May 16 2023, 4:01 AM

Address comment from Vassil, thx

v.g.vassilev accepted this revision.May 16 2023, 4:03 AM

I believe we are at the stage of better is enemy of good now. This looks good to me. I'd recommend to wait for @aaron.ballman's final review.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.May 16 2023, 4:03 AM
junaire marked 11 inline comments as done.May 16 2023, 4:03 AM
aaron.ballman accepted this revision.May 16 2023, 4:33 AM

LGTM aside from a teeny tiny whitespace nit.

junaire updated this revision to Diff 522545.May 16 2023, 4:50 AM

remove whitespace

Because I have edited the commit messages several times so I forgot to include the revision link. Sorry. I have landed it as

junaire closed this revision.May 16 2023, 5:25 AM