This is a submission of the OptView2 project to be considered upstream.
The suggested changes mostly try to improve SnR (for general devs, as opposed to compiler authors):
- Exclude system headers by default,
- Collect only optimization failures by default,
- Create option to split processing into subfolders ('--split-top-folders') to enable processing of large projects that typically break otherwise.
- Trim repeated remark annotations in source - keep only 5 per line.
- Enable filtering by remark name/text, preferrably via config file (but possible via command line too). Check config.yaml for some examples.
- A complete rewrite of the index html, making the table sortable and resizable, display a single entry per file/line, use abridged func names, and display remark name instead of pass.
Except the rewrite of index.html and culling of duplicities, all changes can be reverted by command line options.
I uploaded some results of runs over medium/large projects, to get an impression of it:
Not sure if there's an easy way to do it, but if possible it would be good to default to custom build of clang, if that's enabled. Not sure fi that's easily possible though.