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[clang] Use correct visibility parameters when following a Using declaration

Authored by furkanusta on Jun 13 2022, 3:29 AM.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

furkanusta created this revision.Jun 13 2022, 3:29 AM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptJun 13 2022, 3:29 AM
furkanusta requested review of this revision.Jun 13 2022, 3:29 AM
Herald added projects: Restricted Project, Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptJun 13 2022, 3:29 AM

I wasn't sure if I should add a URL to the commit message for easy access but here is the corresponding clangd issue:

kadircet added inline comments.

can you also update MaybeAddResult around line 1096.

Also if you put Fixes in the commit message, it'll automatically close the issue.

[clang] Use correct visibility parameters when following a Using declaration


kadircet accepted this revision.Jun 15 2022, 1:11 AM

thanks, lgtm!

do you have commit access or should i land this for you? if i should, can you provide an email address for attribution of the commit

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jun 15 2022, 1:11 AM

I don't think I have a commit access this is my first contribution. I appreciate if you can do it for me.

My mail address is:

I had my github account linked and expecting for my mail to get fetched automatically.
To make things easier should I sign my commits in the future or is there a variable that I can set in the Arcanist tool?

thanks! you're right, it was already included in the arcanist metadata, i
was too lazy to check beforehand, sorry.