This patch prevents phi-node-elimination from generating a COPY operation for the register
defined by t2WhileLoopStartLR, as it is a terminator that defines a value.
This happens because of the presence of phi-nodes in the loop body (the Preheader
of which is the block containing the t2WhileLoopStartLR). If this is not done,
the COPY is generated above/before the terminator (t2WhileLoopStartLR here),
and since it uses the value defined by t2WhileLoopStartLR, MachineVerifier throws
a 'use before define' error.
This essentially adds on to the change in differential D91887
Don't need to add -O1, or a cpu. You can use -mtriple=thumbv8.1m.main-none-eabi -mattr=+mve