Unreachable file distances are represented as std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max().
The previous dataset recorded the signals as signed int capturing this default value
as -1.
A new dataset was regenerated and a new model is trained that interprets this
unreachable as the intended value.
Distribution of SymbolScopeDistance:
Value Frequency(%) 0 46.6184 4294967295 29.5342 6 14.5666 4 6.4433 2 1.4534 8 0.5760 10 0.3581 ....
Distribution of FileProximityDistance:
Value Frequency(%) 4294967295 39.9378 12 5.1997 14 4.9828 15 4.4221 16 4.3820 13 4.2765 17 3.8957 11 3.6387 19 3.4799 18 3.4076 ....