In OpenMP 5.0 we allow any lvalue for motion clause and map clause, below are some examples for lvalue:
int *p; int **pp; struct S { int struct *sp; double *d; struct S **sp_arr; }; struct S *s; #pragma omp target update to(*p) #pragma omp target update to(*(p+3)) #pragma omp target update to((p+3)[k]) #pragma omp target update to(**pp) #pragma omp target update to(*pp[0]) #pragma omp target update to(*(pp+l)[2]) #pragma omp target update to((pp+l)[2][3]) #pragma omp target update to(*(s->d)) #pragma omp target update to(*(s->sp->d)) #pragma omp target update to(*(s->sp->d+k)) #pragma omp target update to((s->sp->d+k)[2]) #pragma omp target update to(*(s->sp->sp_arr+k))
Now only add test for motion clause, after the implementation is fine,
will add test for map since the core logic is in the same helper
This must be updated, I assume. Instead need to check that it is an lvalue.