Currently LLD always use zlib compression level 6.
This patch changes it to use 1 for -O0, -O1 and 6 for -O2.
It fixes
There was also a thread in llvm-dev on this topic:
Here is a table with results of building clang mentioned there:
Level Time Size 0 0m17.128s 2045081496 Z_NO_COMPRESSION 1 0m31.471s 922618584 Z_BEST_SPEED 2 0m32.659s 903642376 3 0m36.749s 890805856 4 0m41.532s 876697184 5 0m48.383s 862778576 6 1m3.176s 855251640 Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION 7 1m15.335s 853755920 8 2m0.561s 852497560 9 2m33.972s 852397408 Z_BEST_COMPRESSION
It shows that it is probably not reasonable to use values greater than 6.
It's worth adding a comment here to explain why we chose 6 and 1 as optimization levels. We chose 1 as the default compression level because it is the fastest. If -O2 is given, we use level 6 to compress debug info more by ~15%. We found that level 7 to 9 doesn't make much difference (~1% more compression) while they take significant amount of time (~2x), so level 6 seems enough.