sollve_vv is the OpenMP Validation & Verification suite to test conformance to with the OpenMP specification.
It is included as an external benchmark, i.e. some work is required before it is enabled, for instance setting TEST_SUITE_SOLLVEVV_ROOT to the downloaded source repository. OpenMP is detected using CMake's find_package(OpenMP).
Unfortunately, it does not detect additional flags required for offloading which have to be set manually. The current defaults are the ones I used to successfully offload to NVidia's V100 GPU with clang. I am open to discuss what the default should be or whether we should have a compiler/platform introspection. sollve_vv's own makefile use a default set of flags per compiler executable name.
From what I understand the sollve benchmarks are less useful for performance benchmarking, please consider wrapping this add_subdirectory with if(NOT TEST_SUITE_BENCHMARKING_ONLY) unless I'm mistaken.