Disabling this assert prevents lldb-server from crashing, which prevents it from finding the user and group names of a given process list.
Before this change, the process list didn't contain names:
PID PARENT USER GROUP EFF USER EFF GROUP TRIPLE ARGUMENTS ====== ====== ========== ========== ========== ========== ============================== ============================ 27585 982 10098 10098 10098 10098 com.LogiaGroup.LogiaDeck 27623 982 10098 10098 10098 10098 com.digitalturbine.ignite.suspend.DataUsageRecorderService 28024 982 10199 10199 10199 10199 com.google.vr.vrcore 28061 983 10353 10353 10353 10353 com.instagram.android:videoplayer 28121 982 10045 10045 10045 10045 com.sec.spp.push 28325 982 10247 10247 10247 10247 com.facebook.orca 28714 982 10367 10367 10367 10367 com.samsung.android.dialer 29867 3208 2000 2000 2000 2000 aarch64-unknown-linux-android /system/bin/sh-c /data/local/tmp/lldb-server platform --listen *:5557 --server --log-file /data/local/tmp/logs --log-channels gdb-remote all --log-channels lldb all
After this change, the list looks much better
PID PARENT USER GROUP EFF USER EFF GROUP TRIPLE ARGUMENTS ====== ====== ========== ========== ========== ========== ============================== ============================ 24459 1 wifi 1010 wifi 1010 aarch64-unknown-linux-android /vendor/bin/hw/wpa_supplicant-O/data/vendor/wifi/wpa/sockets -puse_p2p_group_interface=1 -g@android:wpa_wlan0 25098 982 u0_a42 10042 u0_a42 10042 com.samsung.android.messaging 25442 982 u0_a65 10065 u0_a65 10065 com.samsung.android.mobileservice 25974 982 u0_a9 10009 u0_a9 10009 com.samsung.android.contacts 26377 982 radio 1001 radio 1001 com.samsung.android.incallui 26390 983 u0_a26 10026 u0_a26 10026 com.samsung.android.game.gametools 26876 983 u0_a306 10306 u0_a306 10306 com.tencent.mm:push