clang currently warns when passing flags for the assembler (e.g.
-Wa,-mbig-obj) to an invocation that doesn't run the assembler (e.g.
At first sight, that makes sense -- the flag really is unused. But many
other flags don't have an effect if no assembler runs (e.g.
-fno-integrated-as, -ffunction-sections, and many others), and those
currently don't warn. So this seems more like a side effect of how
CollectArgsForIntegratedAssembler() is implemented than like an
intentional feature.
Since it's a bit inconvenient when debugging builds and adding -E,
always call CollectArgsForIntegratedAssembler() to make sure assembler
args always get claimed. Currently, this affects only these flags:
-mincremental-linker-compatible, -mimplicit-it= (on ARM), -Wa, -Xassembler
It does have the side effect that assembler options now need to be valid
even if -E is passed. Previously, -Wa,-mbig-obj would error for
non-coff output only if the assembler ran, now it always errors. This
too makes assembler flags more consistent with all the other flags and
seems like a progression.
Fixes PR42066.