The AggressiveInstCombine pass does not support this optimization yet. The tests are added to observe the result of implementing the full multiplication pattern match.
These tests are added as requested in
| Differential D56277
AggressiveInstCombine: Add tests for full multiplication pattern match AbandonedPublic Authored by chfast on Jan 3 2019, 9:42 AM.
Summary The AggressiveInstCombine pass does not support this optimization yet. The tests are added to observe the result of implementing the full multiplication pattern match. These tests are added as requested in
Diff Detail
Event Timeline
chfast added a child revision: D56214: AggressiveInstCombine: Fold full mul i64 x i64 -> i128.Jan 3 2019, 10:31 AM Comment Actions Right. The existing tests seem ok.
Revision Contents
Diff 180090 test/Transforms/AggressiveInstCombine/mul_full_32.ll
Awesome! :)