When using the vscode clangd plugin, lots and lots of junk output is printed to the output window, which constantly reopens itself.
Example output:
I[11:13:17.733] <-- textDocument/codeAction(4)
I[11:13:17.733] --> reply:textDocument/codeAction(4) 0 ms
I[11:13:17.937] <-- textDocument/codeAction(5)
I[11:13:17.937] --> reply:textDocument/codeAction(5) 0 ms
I[11:13:18.557] <-- textDocument/hover(6)
I[11:13:18.606] --> reply:textDocument/hover(6) 48 ms
This should prevent that from happening.
Could we rephrase this? Something like // Do not switch to output window when clangd return an error.