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[libcxxabi] Fix test_exception_address_alignment test for ARM

Authored by yroux on Aug 2 2018, 1:28 AM.

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rCXXA libc++abi

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yroux created this revision.Aug 2 2018, 1:28 AM
yroux edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Aug 2 2018, 1:43 AM

That certainly *looks* more correct to me.

hans added a comment.Aug 6 2018, 11:55 PM

What do you other reviewers say? I'm not familiar with this code, but this seems reasonable to me.

yroux added a comment.Aug 7 2018, 1:22 AM

I dug a bit and can give more context. The usage of _LIBUNWIND_ARM_EHABI was introduced by D31178 but from what we are seeing with the release builds, libunwind headers are not picked up (at least in these configs) and since r309226 was committed, clang and libunwind unwind.h versions are close enough (and are the same w/r to alignment) to rely on libcxxabi macro _LIBCXXABI_ARM_EHABI to choose the alignment no matter which unwind header is used.

hans accepted this revision.Aug 16 2018, 3:07 AM

It doesn't seem to get more reviewed than this.

yroux, I'd say go ahead and commit it.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 16 2018, 3:07 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.