This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[ADT] Make filter_iterator support bidirectional iteration

Authored by vsk on Apr 19 2018, 6:01 PM.



This makes it possible to reverse a filtered range. For example, here's
a way to visit memory accesses in a BasicBlock in reverse order:

auto MemInsts = reverse(make_filter_range(BB, [](Instruction &I) {
  return isa<StoreInst>(&I) || isa<LoadInst>(&I);

for (auto &MI : MemInsts)

To implement this functionality, I factored out forward iteration
functionality into filter_iterator_base, and added a specialization of
filter_iterator_impl which supports bidirectional iteration. Thanks to
Tim Shen, Zachary Turner, and others for suggesting this design and
providing feedback! This version of the patch supersedes the original

This was motivated by a problem we encountered in D45657: we'd like to
visit the non-debug-info instructions in a BasicBlock in reverse order.

Testing: check-llvm, check-clang

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

vsk created this revision.Apr 19 2018, 6:01 PM
mattd added a subscriber: mattd.Apr 20 2018, 12:16 AM
timshen added inline comments.Apr 20 2018, 12:54 PM

Would std::bidirectional_iterator_tag simply work?


If WrappedIteratorT is not bidirectional, we don't need this data member. Maybe add a comment about this optimization opportunity?

timshen added inline comments.Apr 20 2018, 1:58 PM

I think it's better to have:

while (!Payload->Pred(*this->I))

Notice that as it is described in, the precondition is "a is decrementable (there exists such b that a == ++b)". Therefore, there must be an iterator value that satisfies Payload->Pred(*this->I). If users wrote a bug by decrementing on begin, I'd rather keep looping and let sanitizers catch it.

timshen added inline comments.Apr 20 2018, 2:07 PM

SFINAE wouldn't work here unless you make operator--() a function template, which is an overkill.

I suggest to specialize the class on bidirectional iterator. It might require some boilerplate. For example:

template <typename Iter,
                  typename Predicate,
                  typename iter_tag = typename iterator_traits<Iter>::iterator_category>
class filter_iterator_impl { ... };

template <typename Iter, typename Predicate>
class filter_iterator_impl<Iter, Predicate, std::bidrectional_iterator_tag> { ... };

template <typename Iter, typename Predicate>
using filter_iterator = filter_iterator_impl<Iter, Predicate>;  // to hide template parameter "iter_tag".
vsk updated this revision to Diff 143398.Apr 20 2018, 3:07 PM
vsk marked 4 inline comments as done.
vsk retitled this revision from (WIP) Alternate approach to reversing filtered iterators to [ADT] Teach reverse() about filter_iterator ranges.
vsk edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)
  • Adopt design suggestions from Tim.
  • Remove the Optional<PayloadType> wrapper, because the end iterator requires a predicate functor in the common case.
vsk added inline comments.Apr 20 2018, 3:07 PM

Neat, it would've worked.

However, I did still need detail::fwd_or_bidi_tag to implement the specialized version of filter_iterator_impl you described. That's because you'd need to check if the wrapped iterator's category is derived from bidirectional_iterator_tag to make the specialization work.


As you pointed out, the Begin member isn't needed in the bidirectional case either, so I've removed it.


I see, sounds good! That makes it possible to get rid of the Begin member.


Thanks, this worked out.

vsk retitled this revision from [ADT] Teach reverse() about filter_iterator ranges to [ADT] Make filter_iterator support bidirectional iteration.Apr 20 2018, 3:11 PM
fhahn added a subscriber: fhahn.Apr 22 2018, 4:38 AM
fhahn added a comment.Apr 24 2018, 9:24 AM

Thank you very much for tackling this :)

timshen accepted this revision.Apr 25 2018, 2:37 PM

Looks good. The filter_iterator_base + filter_iterator_impl + filter_iterator hierarchy is unfortunately complicated, but I don't have any immediate ideas on simplifying it.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 25 2018, 2:37 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.