This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[Libomptarget] Remove RPCHandleTy indirection

Authored by jhuber6 on Jul 11 2023, 7:30 AM.



The 'RPCHandleTy' was intended to capture the intention that a specific
device owns its slot in the RPC server. However, this required creating
a temporary store to hold these pointers. This was causing really weird
spurious failure due to undefined behaviour in the order of library
teardown. For example, the x64 plugin would be torn down, set this to
some invalid memory, and then the CUDA plugin would crash. Rather than
spend the time to fully diagnose this problem I found it pertinent to
simply remove the failure mode.

This patch removes this indirection so now the usage of the RPC server
must always be done with the intended device. This just requires some
extra handling for the AMDGPU indirection where we need to store a
reference to the device.

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