This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

[mips][microMIPS] Implement ADD.fmt, SUB.fmt, MOV.fmt, MUL.fmt, DIV.fmt, MADDF.fmt, MSUBF.fmt and NEG.fmt instructions

Authored by zbuljan on Aug 12 2015, 4:28 AM.



The patch implements microMIPS32r6 and microMIPS64r6 ADD.fmt, SUB.fmt, MOV.fmt, MUL.fmt, DIV.fmt, MADDF.fmt, MSUBF.fmt and NEG.fmt instructions.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

zbuljan updated this revision to Diff 31925.Aug 12 2015, 4:28 AM
zbuljan retitled this revision from to [mips][microMIPS] Implement ADD.fmt, SUB.fmt, MOV.fmt, MUL.fmt, DIV.fmt, MADDF.fmt, MSUBF.fmt and NEG.fmt instructions.
zbuljan updated this object.
zbuljan added subscribers: petarj, llvm-commits.
dsanders accepted this revision.Aug 21 2015, 6:16 AM
dsanders edited edge metadata.

LGTM with a couple indentation nits.


Two nits:
Indentation of line 300. Arguments should be fully hanging or next line should be aligned to first argument.

There should be a space before the '='


Nit: Indentation

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 21 2015, 6:16 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.