When -fno-integrated-as is passed to the Clang driver (or set by default by a specific toolchain), it will construct an assembler job in addition to the cc1 job. Similarly, the -fembed-bitcode driver flag will create additional cc1 job that reads LLVM IR file.
The Clang tooling library only cares about the job that reads a source file. Instead of relying on the fact that the client injected -fsyntax-only to the driver invocation to get a single -cc1 invocation that reads the source file, this patch filters out such jobs from Compilation automatically and ignores the rest.
This fixes a test failure in ClangScanDeps/headerwithname.cpp and ClangScanDeps/headerwithnamefollowedbyinclude.cpp on AIX reported here: https://reviews.llvm.org/D103461#2841918 and clang-scan-deps failures with -fembed-bitcode.
Depends on D106788.
clang-format: please reformat the code