There are only five unsigned integer types, so we should just list them out. Also provide `__is_signed_integer`, even though the Standard doesn't consume that trait anywhere yet. Notice that `concept uniform_random_bit_generator` is specifically specified to rely on `concept unsigned_integral` and *not* `__is_unsigned_integer`. Instantiating `std::ranges::sample` with a type `U` satisfying `uniform_random_bit_generator` where `unsigned_integral<U::result_type>` and not `__is_unsigned_integer<U::result_type>` is simply IFNDR.
Also vastly improve test coverage for the <bit> manipulation functions, using our modern "test runtime and constexpr-time with the same function" approach.
Seems like we should add char8_t while we're here, yeah? (It is also integral and unsigned but not an unsigned integer type.) For bonus clarity, we could make a type trait __is_integer_type<_Tp> and then this whole constraint on line 97 would be simply
...except that a static_assert is not a "constraint," so we're just totally nonconforming here.
@jwakely, thoughts? I'd volunteer to commandeer if you like.