Remove explicitly declared -faddrsig and -fnoaddrsig option tests
since those are already tested in addrsig.c. We test only the implicit
behavior of VE driver.
This is suggested in Thanks.
| Differential D92996
[VE] Remove -faddrsig and -fnoaddrsig tests ClosedPublic Authored by kaz7 on Dec 9 2020, 8:51 PM.
Details Summary Remove explicitly declared -faddrsig and -fnoaddrsig option tests This is suggested in Thanks.
Diff Detail
Unit TestsFailed
Event TimelineThis revision is now accepted and ready to land.Dec 10 2020, 12:30 PM This revision was landed with ongoing or failed builds.Dec 10 2020, 3:25 PM Closed by commit rGcd5855ac3ba7: [VE] Remove -faddrsig and -fnoaddrsig tests (authored by kaz7). · Explain Why This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
Revision Contents
Diff 310756 clang/test/Driver/ve-toolchain.c
Most newer toolchains default to -fuse-init-array. There is probably very little value testing -f[no-]use-init-array