This is an experimental debug location verifier that ensures the following condition: If an instruction has a source location, then all occurrences of each operand's source location must dominate this instruction or be in the same BB as the instruction.
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For example:
... o -MF lib/Demangle/CMakeFiles/LLVMDemangle.dir/ItaniumDemangle.cpp.o.d -o lib/Demangle/CMakeFiles/LLVMDemangle.dir/ItaniumDemangle.cpp.o -c /Volumes/Data/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Demangle/ItaniumDemangle.cpp Occurence of source location from an operand does not dominate instruction. br label %cond.end26, !dbg !2571 !2571 = !DILocation(line: 355, column: 10, scope: !2491) %cond = phi i8* [ %21, %cond.true24 ], [ null, %cond.false25 ], !dbg !2571
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Yes, triggers a similar error in debug mode:
lib/Support/CMakeFiles/LLVMSupport.dir/CommandLine.cpp.o -c /Volumes/Data/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Support/CommandLine.cpp Occurence of source location from an operand does not dominate instruction. %25 = phi i1 [ false, %while.cond12 ], [ %lnot17, %land.rhs14 ], !dbg !18832 !18832 = !DILocation(line: 0, scope: !18830) %16 = phi i1 [ false, %while.cond ], [ %call5, %land.rhs3 ], !dbg !18832
Ah! I got to remove line: 0 locations.
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Ignore line 0.
ttyStackTrace.cpp.o -c /Volumes/Data/llvm-project/llvm/lib/Support/PrettyStackTrace.cpp Occurence of source location from an operand does not dominate instruction. br label %cond.end, !dbg !2018 !2018 = !DILocation(line: 107, column: 29, scope: !2010) %cond = phi i64 [ %call, %cond.true ], [ 0, %cond.false ], !dbg !2018 fatal error: error in backend: Broken module found, compilation aborted!
s/all occurrences/the first occurrence in any block/? Or do we mean to check the 'all' condition?