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[llvm][unittests] Fix LLVM-Unit :: Support/./SupportTests/ProgramEnvTest.TestExecuteAndWaitStatistics on Solaris

Authored by ro on Jul 13 2020, 2:34 AM.



The new LLVM-Unit :: Support/./SupportTests/ProgramEnvTest.TestExecuteAndWaitStatistics test currently FAILs on Solaris:

[ RUN      ] ProgramEnvTest.TestExecuteAndWaitStatistics
/vol/llvm/src/llvm-project/local/llvm/unittests/Support/ProgramTest.cpp:360: Failure
Expected: (ProcStat->PeakMemory) > (0U), actual: 0 vs 0
[  FAILED  ] ProgramEnvTest.TestExecuteAndWaitStatistics (22 ms)

According to llvm/lib/Support/Unix/ (llvm::sys::Wait), PeakMemory
corresponds to struct rusage.ru_maxrss.

However, Solaris getrusage(3C) documents

       The ru_maxrss, ru_ixrss, ru_idrss, and ru_isrss members of  the  rusage
       structure are set to 0 in this implementation.

To deal with this, this patch changes to test to allow for PeakMemory == 0.

Tested on amd64-pc-solaris2.11. Ok for master?

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

ro created this revision.Jul 13 2020, 2:34 AM
sepavloff added inline comments.Jul 13 2020, 9:07 AM

PeakMemory is uint64_t, so the check condition is always true. It may cause compiler warnings.

I would propose to remove this check at all.

ro updated this revision to Diff 277557.Jul 13 2020, 1:43 PM

Remove ProcStat->PeakMemory check: pointless now.

ro marked 2 inline comments as done.Jul 13 2020, 1:45 PM
ro added inline comments.

On Solaris (and the BSDs where getrusage originated), it's
long instead, thus no warning.

But I agree: the check is pretty pointless now.

sepavloff accepted this revision.Jul 13 2020, 9:53 PM


I would also make commit title a bit shorter, for example [llvm][unittests] Fix ProgramEnvTest.TestExecuteAndWaitStatistics on Solaris.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jul 13 2020, 9:53 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.
ro marked an inline comment as done.
ro added a comment.Jul 14 2020, 2:34 AM

I would also make commit title a bit shorter, for example [llvm][unittests] Fix ProgramEnvTest.TestExecuteAndWaitStatistics on Solaris.

Sure, fine with me. It were nice if lit would generate unique and reasonably short test names out of the box :-)