This is an archive of the discontinued LLVM Phabricator instance.

Add contributing info to and

Authored by fhahn on Nov 26 2019, 1:59 PM.



As discussed on llvm-dev [1], this patch adds a brief to
the top-level of the repo, with a pointer to Contributing.html. This
should make it easier to discover the contributing information and also
be highlighted in the Github UI.

It also updates to link to Contributing.html.


Diff Detail

Event Timeline

fhahn created this revision.Nov 26 2019, 1:59 PM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptNov 26 2019, 1:59 PM
1480c1 added a subscriber: 1480c1.Nov 26 2019, 2:09 PM

It seems that GitHub issues are open though?

Build result: pass - 60328 tests passed, 0 failed and 732 were skipped.

Log files: console-log.txt, CMakeCache.txt

rnk added a comment.Nov 26 2019, 6:00 PM

It seems that GitHub issues are open though?

I see some recent issues (, but there was no announcement, so I would say that this note is accurate for now: it says we don't use it "at the moment", which is true.

I think it's: "... project does not use either Github pull requests or Github issues"

jhenderson added inline comments.Nov 27 2019, 1:05 AM

Or: "... project uses neither Github pull requests not Github issues"

Both are correct, I believe!

fhahn updated this revision to Diff 231198.Nov 27 2019, 1:14 AM

Reword to use 'does not use either ... or ..,

fhahn marked an inline comment as done.Nov 27 2019, 1:16 AM
fhahn added inline comments.

Ah yes, the does in the original wording was off! I went with Reid's suggestion, as including the does not makes the wording a bit more obvious I think.

jhenderson accepted this revision.Nov 27 2019, 1:21 AM

LGTM, but might want someone else to give a thumbs up too.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Nov 27 2019, 1:21 AM

Build result: pass - 60332 tests passed, 0 failed and 732 were skipped.

Log files: console-log.txt, CMakeCache.txt

rnk accepted this revision.Nov 27 2019, 9:59 AM

lgtm, thanks!

meikeb requested changes to this revision.Nov 28 2019, 12:42 AM

Great addition! Could you add a "Contributing" section with a link to to for better visibility?

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Nov 28 2019, 12:42 AM
fhahn added a comment.Nov 28 2019, 1:22 AM

Great addition! Could you add a "Contributing" section with a link to to for better visibility?

Yes that was one change I wanted to do as a follow up. But I can add it here as well!

fhahn updated this revision to Diff 231376.Nov 28 2019, 1:57 AM

Add reference to to

fhahn added a comment.Nov 28 2019, 1:59 AM

Great addition! Could you add a "Contributing" section with a link to to for better visibility?

Yes that was one change I wanted to do as a follow up. But I can add it here as well!

I've added a reference to to the README. I am undecided if it's better to link to or Contributing.html directly. Given that mostly just links to Contributing.html, should we link directly to that page? What do you think?

Great addition! Could you add a "Contributing" section with a link to to for better visibility?

Yes that was one change I wanted to do as a follow up. But I can add it here as well!

I've added a reference to to the README. I am undecided if it's better to link to or Contributing.html directly. Given that mostly just links to Contributing.html, should we link directly to that page? What do you think?

You have a good point. I think linking directly to Contributing.html might be more helpful. I still think it makes sense to bundle both into one change though.

fhahn updated this revision to Diff 231403.Nov 28 2019, 4:10 AM

Update link in readme to point to Contributing.html

fhahn added a comment.Nov 28 2019, 4:11 AM

You have a good point. I think linking directly to Contributing.html might be more helpful. I still think it makes sense to bundle both into one change though.

Great, I think so as well! Updated.

fhahn edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Nov 28 2019, 4:12 AM
fhahn retitled this revision from Add to Add contributing info to and
jhenderson added inline comments.Nov 28 2019, 4:44 AM
9 ↗(On Diff #231403)

Not sure, but maybe the link should be "Contributing to LLVM" to match the doc title, followed by the word "guide"?

meikeb accepted this revision.EditedNov 28 2019, 10:24 PM

This looks good to me now, except maybe for the wording change suggested by jhenderson.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Nov 28 2019, 10:24 PM
fhahn updated this revision to Diff 231690.Dec 2 2019, 6:07 AM

Change [Contributing Guide](..) to [Contributing to LLVM](..) guide.

jhenderson accepted this revision.Dec 2 2019, 6:15 AM

LGTM, thanks!

fhahn added a comment.Dec 2 2019, 7:41 AM

Thanks for all the feedback :)

This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.