I'm unable to find this number in the "AMD SOG for family 15h".
llvm-exegesis measures the latencies of these instructions as 2,
which matches the latencies specified in "AMD SOG for family 15h".
However if we look at Agner, Microarchitecture, "AMD Bulldozer, Piledriver,
Steamroller and Excavator pipeline", "Data delay between different execution
domains", the int->ivec transfer is listed as 8..10cy of additional latency.
Also, Agner's "Instruction tables", for Piledriver, lists their latencies as 12,
which is consistent with 2cy from exegesis / AMD SOG + 10cy transfer delay.
Additional data point comes from the fact that Agner's "Instruction tables",
for Jaguar, lists their latencies as 8; and "AMD SOG for family 16h" does
state the +6cy int->ivec delay, which is consistent with instr latency of 1 or 2.