This patch implements input annotations for diagnostics reporting
CHECK-DAG discarded matches. These diagnostics are enabled by -vv.
These annotations mark discarded match ranges using !~~ because they
are bad matches even though they are not errors.
CHECK-DAG discarded matches create another case where there can be
multiple match results for the same directive.
For example:
$ FileCheck -dump-input=help The following description was requested by -dump-input=help to explain the input annotations printed by -dump-input=always and -dump-input=fail: - L: labels line number L of the input file - T:L labels the only match result for a pattern of type T from line L of the check file - T:L'N labels the Nth match result for a pattern of type T from line L of the check file - ^~~ marks good match (reported if -v) - !~~ marks bad match, such as: - CHECK-NEXT on same line as previous match (error) - CHECK-NOT found (error) - CHECK-DAG overlapping match (discarded, reported if -vv) - X~~ marks search range when no match is found, such as: - CHECK-NEXT not found (error) - CHECK-DAG not found after discarded matches (error) - ? marks fuzzy match when no match is found - colors success, error, fuzzy match, discarded match, unmatched input If you are not seeing color above or in input dumps, try: -color $ FileCheck -vv -dump-input=always check4 < input4 |& sed -n '/^<<<</,$p' <<<<<< 1: abcdef dag:1 ^~~~ dag:2'0 !~~~ discard: overlaps earlier match 2: cdefgh dag:2'1 ^~~~ check:3 X~ error: no match found >>>>>> $ cat check4 CHECK-DAG: abcd CHECK-DAG: cdef CHECK: efgh $ cat input4 abcdef cdefgh
This shows that the line 3 CHECK fails to match even though its
pattern appears in the input because its search range starts after the
line 2 CHECK-DAG's match range. The trouble might be that the line 2
CHECK-DAG's match range is later than expected because its first match
range overlaps with the line 1 CHECK-DAG match range and thus is
Because !~~ for CHECK-DAG does not indicate an error, it is not
colored red. Instead, when colors are enabled, it is colored cyan,
which suggests a match that went cold.
I guess VQ means "-v but not -vv" here?