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Refactoring for for the internal command line completion API (NFC)

Authored by teemperor on Jun 29 2018, 3:11 PM.



This patch refactors the internal completion API. It now takes (as far as possible) a single
CompletionRequest object instead o half a dozen in/out/in-out parameters. The CompletionRequest
contains a common superset of the different parameters as far as it makes sense. This includes
the raw command line string and raw cursor position, which should make the expr command
possible to implement (at least without hacks that reconstruct the command line from the args).

This patch is not intended to change the observable behavior of lldb in any way. It's also as
minimal as possible and doesn't attempt to fix all the problems the API has.

Some Q&A:

Q: Why is this not fixing all the problems in the completion API?
A: Because is a blocker for the expr command completion which I want to get in ASAP. This is the
smallest patch that unblocks the expr completion patch and which allows trivial refactoring in the future.
The patch also doesn't really change the internal information flow in the API, so that hopefully
saves us from ever having to revert and resubmit this humongous patch.

Q: Can we merge all the copy-pasted code in the completion methods
(like computing the current incomplete arg) into CompletionRequest class?
A: Yes, but it's out of scope for this patch.

Q: Why the word_complete = request.GetWordComplete(); ... pattern?
A: I don't want to add a getter that returns a reference to the internal integer. So we have
to use a temporary variable and the Getter/Setter instead. We don't throw exceptions
from what I can tell, so the behavior doesn't change.

Q: Why are we not owning the list of matches?
A: Because that's how the previous API works. But that should be fixed too (in another patch).

Q: Can we make the constructor simpler and compute some of the values from the plain command?
A: I think this works, but I rather want to have this in a follow up commit. Especially when making nested
request it's a bit awkward that the parsed arguments behave as both input/output (as we should in theory
propagate the changes on the nested request back to the parent request if we don't want to change the
behavior too much).

Q: Can't we pass one const request object and then just return another result object instead of mixing
them together in one in/out parameter?
A: It's hard to get keep the same behavior with that pattern, but I think we can also get a nice API with just
a single request object. If we make all input parameters read-only, we have a clear separation between what
is actually an input and what an output parameter (and hopefully we get rid of the in-out parameters).

Q: Can we throw out the 'match' variables that are not implemented according to the comment?
A: We currently just forward them as in the old code to the different methods, even though I think
they are really not used. We can easily remove and readd them once every single completion method just
takes a CompletionRequest, but for now I prefer NFC behavior from the perspective of the API user.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

teemperor created this revision.Jun 29 2018, 3:11 PM
teemperor edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Jun 29 2018, 3:12 PM
teemperor edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

Thank you for working on this. Overall, I like the direction this is going, but I'm OOO this week and the next one, so I'll defer to other reviewers on this one.

This patch looks fine, I agree with Pavel the direction is good. It seems like you would reduce a bunch of boiler-plate if you changed over InvokeCommonCompletionCallbacks to take a CompletionRequest. Was there something that blocked you from doing that?

@jingham Just trying to keep this patch as minimal/NFC as possible because we can't revert it once the expr completion patch is merged. I'll open reviews for all these other refactorings once this is in.

jingham accepted this revision.Jul 2 2018, 2:32 PM

Okay, sounds reasonable.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jul 2 2018, 2:32 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.