This patch updates a few MI commands using a new way of handling an errors in lldb-mi and removes unnecessary variables
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This patch uses changes from It allows to:
(gdb) -file-exec-and-symbols "bash" ^done (gdb) =library-loaded,id="/bin/bash",target-name="/bin/bash",host-name="/bin/bash",symbols-loaded="0",loaded_addr="-",size="0" -exec-next ^error,msg="this SBThread object is invalid"
instead of simple ^running message.
tools/lldb-mi/MICmdCmdExec.cpp | ||
375–376 | Maybe these four lines should be put into a utility function? Something like: MIstatus ReturnMIStatus(lldb::SBError &error) { if (error.Success()) return MIstatus::success; SetError(error.GetCString()); return MIstatus::failure; } I am sure just about every MI command will end with something like this. |
If you look at bool CMICmdCmdExecContinue::Execute(), you'll see that there are cases in which we need a flexible way to finish MI command(specific action in error case for example). We have a few options: not to add such an utility function, add and use it in simple situations where we just want to check on SBError status or we may create utility function with lambda functions in which user could specify actions he needs. What are your thoughts about this?
I am just trying to reduce duplicated code with my suggestion. Feel free to code normally when you are doing tricky things for returning in the middle of a function with special error cases.
I didn't committed patch yet, so I think if we change HandleSBError handlers from
std::function<bool/void()> to std::function<bool/boid(CMICmdBase *)> we'll be able to create anonymous namespace and declare there a function that takes a pointer to current command class(this pointer) instead if defining
auto successHandler = [this] { // CODETAG_DEBUG_SESSION_RUNNING_PROG_RECEIVED_SIGINT_PAUSE_PROGRAM if (!CMIDriver::Instance().SetDriverStateRunningDebugging()) { const CMIUtilString &rErrMsg(CMIDriver::Instance().GetErrorDescription()); this->SetError(CMIUtilString::Format( MIRSRC(IDS_CMD_ERR_SET_NEW_DRIVER_STATE), this->m_cmdData.strMiCmd.c_str(), rErrMsg.c_str())); return MIstatus::failure; } return MIstatus::success;
3 times in one file. It will reduce duplicating of code but I still think, is it worth it?
Maybe add a command class that the 3 commands can inherit from and add a this code as a method that the other 3 commands can call? If this is specific to execution, it might consolidate the code nicely?
I don't like creating a new class just for one feature. It looks like only 3 commands use that code, so maybe we should let it be as it is?
Would be really nice to get review of this patch before this weekend. Thanks for your time, folks.
tools/lldb-mi/MICmdCmdExec.cpp | ||
137 | It is, thanks. | |
142 | The good solution is to add anonymous namespace with a function bool HandleDriverStateChanging(bool status, CMICmdBase *cmd), but it's impossible since SetError and m_cmdData are protected members of CMICmdBase. Another way is to add this function to CMICmdBase, but again there are only 3 commands that use that code. It seems unreasonable to do it for all commands. |
Is this a copy&paste error?