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[CMake] Make check-lldb work with LLDB_CODESIGN_IDENTITY=''

Authored by vsk on Jan 17 2018, 4:46 PM.



On Darwin, if a test machine isn't set up for code-signing (see
docs/code-signing.txt), running check-lldb should use the system
debugserver instead of the unsigned one built in-tree. This makes it
possible to run lldb's test suite without having code-signing set up,
which is really convenient.

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vsk created this revision.Jan 17 2018, 4:46 PM

How about printing a message (if CMAKE_HOST_APPLE) that the system debugserver is being used at configure time?

That's a good suggestion. We have some bots using the system debugserver -- and once in a while there's a change to both lldb and debugserver, and the bots running the older prebuilt debugserver will fail any tests for that patchset.

vsk updated this revision to Diff 130325.Jan 17 2018, 5:03 PM

Thanks for the feedback!

-Print out the path to the debug server as a status message

davide accepted this revision.Jan 17 2018, 5:07 PM

LGTM with Adrian's suggestion applied, thanks for doing this!

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 17 2018, 5:07 PM
aprantl accepted this revision.Jan 17 2018, 5:15 PM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.