This commit adds support for syscalls that acquire/release handles in an array for MagentaHandleChecker introduced in D35968 and D36022.
Most magenta handle related syscalls will take a pointer to a local mx_handle_t variable for handle acquisition and take a value of a local mx_handle variable for handle release. A good example would be:
mx_status_t mx_channel_create(uint32_t options, mx_handle_t* out0, mx_handle_t* out1);
mx_status_t mx_handle_close(mx_handle_t handle);
However, there are two exceptions, syscall
mx_status_t mx_channel_read(mx_handle_t handle, uint32_t options, void* bytes, mx_handle_t* handles, uint32_t num_bytes, uint32_t num_handles, uint32_t* actual_bytes, uint32_t* actual_handles);
Will read(acquire) "num_handles" of handles and save them to the array pointed to by "handles". The actual number of acquired handles will be saved to the variable pointed to by "actual_handles".
And syscall
mx_status_t mx_channel_write(mx_handle_t handle, uint32_t options, void* bytes, uint32_t num_bytes, mx_handle_t* handles, uint32_t num_handles)
Will release "num_handles" of handles in array "handles".
This patch adds support to handle acquire/release through arrays so these two syscalls can be processed by this checker.