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AMDGPU : Update AMDGPU Trap Handler ABI.

Authored by wdng on Feb 13 2017, 2:34 PM.

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wdng created this revision.Feb 13 2017, 2:34 PM
wdng updated this revision to Diff 88262.Feb 13 2017, 2:35 PM

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wdng added a comment.Feb 14 2017, 8:24 AM
This comment was removed by wdng.
arsenm added inline comments.Feb 14 2017, 10:19 AM

" OS is obtained from the appropriate element of the target triple HSA OS" is redundant and confusing. HSA is the OS component of the triple


Just HSA?


s/always enabled/enabled by default/. S_TRAP should be lowercase. More precise would be to say it emits s_trap for llvm.trap/llvm.debugtrap

tony-tye requested changes to this revision.Feb 14 2017, 3:33 PM
tony-tye added inline comments.

Move this section up to after the address space section rather than in the middle of the sections that describe the assembler usage.


Why is this here? It is not related to the OS values of the target triple.


This would probably be better formatted as a table. Perhaps a column for "Trap Code", a column for "Name", a column for "Trap Handler Inputs", and a column for "Description".


This is not the name of a target triple OS. Suggest using a section name such as "Non-HSA OS" or "Other OSs".




I think the runtime trap handler supports the s_trap instruction with the following codes. Currently the compiler only generates two of the codes, but the trap handler ABI nevertheless defines all 4 codes.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Feb 14 2017, 3:33 PM
wdng updated this revision to Diff 88749.Feb 16 2017, 9:32 AM
wdng edited edge metadata.
wdng marked 7 inline comments as done.

Modify texts based on reviews.

arsenm added inline comments.Feb 16 2017, 10:36 AM

Lowercase instruction names. I'm not sure it's worth mentioning the non-HSA path since it isn't really implemented or used

tony-tye requested changes to this revision.Feb 17 2017, 2:21 PM
tony-tye added inline comments.

How about using the following for this section:

Trap Handler ABI
The OS element of the target triple controls the trap handler behavior.

For code objects generated by AMDGPU back-end for the HSA OS, the runtime installs a trap handler that supports the s_trap instruction with the following usage:

   ======================== ============= ========================== ===================
   Usage                    Code Sequence Trap Handler Inputs        Description
   ======================== ============= ========================== ===================
   debugger breakpoint      s_trap 0                                 If debugger is not installed causes dispatch to be terminated and its associated queue put into the error state.
   llvm.trap                s_trap 1      SGPR0-1: queue_ptr         Causes dispatch to be terminated and its associated queue put into the error state.
   llvm.debugtrap           s_trap 2      SGPR0-1: queue_ptr         If debugger not installed handled same as llvm.trap.
   HSA debugtrap(user_code) s_trap 3      SGPR0-1: queue_ptr         Used for HSA debugtrap intrinsic (not implemented).
                                          VGPR0: user code
   ======================== ============= ========================== ===================

For code objects generated by AMDGPU back-end for non-HSA OS, the runtime does not install a trap handler. The llvm.trap and llvm.debugtrap instructions are handler as follows:

   ======================== ============= ==========================
   Usage                    Code Sequence Description
   ======================== ============= ==========================
   llvm.trap                s_endpgm      Causes wavefront to be terminated.
   llvm.debugtrap           s_nop         No operation. Warning generated that there is no trap handler installed.
   ======================== ============= ==========================

The non-HSA path does seem to be implemented and will behave as described, so seems reasonable to document it since we are documenting the HSA path.

This revision now requires changes to proceed.Feb 17 2017, 2:21 PM
kzhuravl added inline comments.Feb 17 2017, 2:35 PM

Make sure it is 80 cols long too.

kzhuravl added inline comments.Feb 17 2017, 2:37 PM

Make sure it is 80 cols long too. -> Make sure it is not longer than 80 columns.

tony-tye added inline comments.Feb 17 2017, 3:52 PM

On checking it appears that the trap id codes need correcting to the following, with a corresponding change in the llvm.trap and llvm.debugtrap implementation:

======================== ============= ========================== ===================
Usage                    Code Sequence Trap Handler Inputs        Description
======================== ============= ========================== ===================
reserved                 s_trap 0x00                              Reserved by hardware.
HSA debugtrap(arg)       s_trap 0x01   SGPR0-1: queue_ptr         Reserved for HSA debugtrap intrinsic (not implemented).
                                       VGPR0: arg
llvm.trap                s_trap 0x02   SGPR0-1: queue_ptr         Causes dispatch to be terminated and its associated queue put into the error state.
llvm.debugtrap           s_trap 0x03   SGPR0-1: queue_ptr         If debugger not installed handled same as llvm.trap.
debugger breakpoint      s_trap 0x07                              Reserved for debugger breakpoints.
debugger                 s_trap 0x08                              Reserved for debugger.  
debugger                 s_trap 0xfe                              Reserved for debugger.  
debugger                 s_trap 0xff                              Reserved for debugger.  
======================== ============= ========================== ===================
tony-tye added inline comments.Feb 17 2017, 4:33 PM

Here is text suggestion limited to 80 cols:

Trap Handler ABI
The OS element of the target triple controls the trap handler behavior.

For code objects generated by AMDGPU back-end for the HSA OS, the runtime
installs a trap handler that supports the s_trap instruction with the following

 |Usage         |Code Sequence|Trap Handler Inputs|Description                 |
 |reserved      |s_trap 0x00  |                   |Reserved by hardware.       |
 |HSA debugtrap |s_trap 0x01  |SGPR0-1: queue_ptr |Reserved for HSA debugtrap  |
 |(arg)         |             |VGPR0: arg         |intrinsic (not implemented).|
 |llvm.trap     |s_trap 0x02  |SGPR0-1: queue_ptr |Causes dispatch to be       |
 |              |             |                   |terminated and its          |
 |              |             |                   |associated queue put into   |
 |              |             |                   |the error state.            |
 |llvm.debugtrap| s_trap 0x03 |SGPR0-1: queue_ptr |If debugger not installed   |
 |              |             |                   |handled same as llvm.trap.  |
 |debugger      |s_trap 0x07  |                   |Reserved for debugger       |
 |breakpoint    |             |                   |breakpoints.                |
 |debugger      |s_trap 0x08  |                   |Reserved for debugger.      |
 |debugger      |s_trap 0xfe  |                   |Reserved for debugger.      |
 |debugger      |s_trap 0xff  |                   |Reserved for debugger.      |

For code objects generated by AMDGPU back-end for non-HSA OS, the runtime does
not install a trap handler. The llvm.trap and llvm.debugtrap instructions are
handler as follows:

   =============== ============= ===============================================
   Usage           Code Sequence Description
   =============== ============= ===============================================
   llvm.trap       s_endpgm      Causes wavefront to be terminated.
   llvm.debugtrap  s_nop         No operation. Compiler warning generated that
                                 there is no trap handler installed.
   =============== ============= ===============================================

For code objects generated by AMDGPU back-end for non-HSA OS, the runtime does
not install a trap handler. The llvm.trap and llvm.debugtrap instructions are
handler as follows:

   =============== ============= ===============================================
   Usage           Code Sequence Description
   =============== ============= ===============================================
   llvm.trap       s_endpgm      Causes wavefront to be terminated.
   llvm.debugtrap  s_nop         No operation. Compiler warning generated that
                                 there is no trap handler installed.
   =============== ============= ===============================================
wdng updated this revision to Diff 89232.Feb 21 2017, 9:20 AM
wdng edited edge metadata.

Modification based on Tony's suggestion.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Feb 21 2017, 10:34 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.