Many places pass around a DWARFDebugInfoEntryMinimal and a DWARFUnit. It is easy to get things wrong by using the wrong DWARFUnit with a DWARFDebugInfoEntryMinimal. This patch creates a DWARFDie class that contains the DWARFUnit and DWARFDebugInfoEntryMinimal objects so that they can't get out of sync. All attribute extraction has been moved out of DWARFDebugInfoEntryMinimal and into DWARFDie. DWARFDebugInfoEntryMinimal was also renamed to DWARFDebugInfoEntry.
DWARFDie objects are temporary objects that are used by clients and contain 2 pointers that you always need to have anyway. Keeping them grouped will avoid errors and simplify many of the attribute extracting APIs by not having to pass in a DWARFUnit.