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[lldb][NFCI] Remove StructuredData::Array::GetItemAtIndexAsString overloads with ConstString

Authored by bulbazord on Jun 13 2023, 5:26 PM.



This is the next step in removing ConstString from StructuredData. There
are StringRef overloads already, let's use those where we can.

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Event Timeline

bulbazord created this revision.Jun 13 2023, 5:26 PM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptJun 13 2023, 5:26 PM
Herald added a subscriber: arphaman. · View Herald Transcript
bulbazord requested review of this revision.Jun 13 2023, 5:26 PM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptJun 13 2023, 5:26 PM
mib added inline comments.Jun 14 2023, 3:42 PM

I guess m_sets is a vector of char* ... Should we change it to lldb::StringList or llvm::StringSet so we don't have to create a ConstString here ?

bulbazord added inline comments.Jul 6 2023, 9:22 AM

m_sets is a vector of lldb_private::RegisterSet (which contains a const char *). I think it's assumed that they are backed by a ConstString. Because RegisterSet is defined in lldb-private-types.h we'd have to move it somewhere else before we could actually use any types other than const char *, I think?

fdeazeve accepted this revision.Aug 29 2023, 12:06 PM
fdeazeve added a subscriber: fdeazeve.


This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Aug 29 2023, 12:06 PM