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[NFC][clang] Fix static analyzer tool remarks about large copies by values

Authored by Manna on Apr 6 2023, 7:00 AM.



Reported by Coverity:

Big parameter passed by value
Copying large values is inefficient, consider passing by reference; Low, medium, and high size thresholds for detection can be adjusted.

  1. Inside "SemaConcept.cpp" file, in subsumes<clang::​Sema::​MaybeEmitAmbiguousAtomicConstraintsDiagnostic(clang::​NamedDecl *, llvm::​ArrayRef<clang::​Expr const *>, clang::​NamedDecl *, llvm::​ArrayRef<clang::​Expr const *>)::​[lambda(clang::​AtomicConstraint const &, clang::​AtomicConstraint const &) (instance 2)]>(llvm::​SmallVector<llvm::​SmallVector<clang::​AtomicConstraint *, 2u>, 4u>, llvm::​SmallVector<llvm::​SmallVector<clang::​AtomicConstraint *, 2u>, 4u>, T1): A large function call parameter exceeding the low threshold is passed by value.

    i. pass_by_value: Passing parameter PDNF of type NormalForm (size 144 bytes) by value, which exceeds the low threshold of 128 bytes.

ii. pass_by_value: Passing parameter QCNF of type NormalForm (size 144 bytes) by value, which exceeds the low threshold of 128 bytes.

  1. Inside "CodeGenAction.cpp" file, in clang::​reportOptRecordError(llvm::​Error, clang::​DiagnosticsEngine &, clang::​CodeGenOptions): A very large function call parameter exceeding the high threshold is passed by value.

i. pass_by_value: Passing parameter CodeGenOpts of type clang::CodeGenOptions const (size 1560 bytes) by value, which exceeds the high threshold of 512 bytes.

  1. Inside "SemaCodeComplete.cpp" file, in HandleCodeCompleteResults(clang::​Sema *, clang::​CodeCompleteConsumer *, clang::​CodeCompletionContext, clang::​CodeCompletionResult *, unsigned int): A large function call parameter exceeding the low threshold is passed by value.

i. pass_by_value: Passing parameter Context of type clang::CodeCompletionContext (size 200 bytes) by value, which exceeds the low threshold of 128 bytes.

  1. Inside "SemaConcept.cpp" file, in <unnamed>::​SatisfactionStackRAII::​SatisfactionStackRAII(clang::​Sema &, clang::​NamedDecl const *, llvm::​FoldingSetNodeID): A large function call parameter exceeding the low threshold is passed by value.

i. pass_by_value: Passing parameter FSNID of type llvm::FoldingSetNodeID (size 144 bytes) by value, which exceeds the low threshold of 128 bytes.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

Manna created this revision.Apr 6 2023, 7:00 AM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptApr 6 2023, 7:00 AM
Manna requested review of this revision.Apr 6 2023, 7:00 AM
Herald added a project: Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptApr 6 2023, 7:00 AM

Build failures seem relevant.

128 ↗(On Diff #511398)

This shouldn't be the SmallVector, this should be an ArrayRef unless they need to modify it (or a llvm::SmallVectorImpl of the type if they do).

Also, anything that you're changing to be a 'reference' from a copy changes semantics unless you make it a const-ref.

326 ↗(On Diff #511398)

Same comment here, if this doesn't need to modify the Args, it should be an ArrayRef, else a SmallVectorImpl.


This one makes sense, contains a couple std::strings.

993 ↗(On Diff #511398)

Same here.

2067 ↗(On Diff #511398)

Should this be const-ref? Since we couldn't modify the original before, and now this allows us to modify the original.

641 ↗(On Diff #511398)

Same above re: const.


Same above re: cosnt.




const on these.

5290 ↗(On Diff #511398)

This should probably do the work to be an ArrayRef with a deduced type. In fact, the deduction probably isn't necessary, since every collection is an IniitializedEntity.

130 ↗(On Diff #511398)

This probably should NOT happen. The point of this type is to contain a state for this type, and this would be a breaking change, since it would result in the cursor in the containing type being modified.

Manna updated this revision to Diff 511478.Apr 6 2023, 11:08 AM

Thanks @erichkeane for reviews. I have updated patch.

Manna added a comment.Apr 6 2023, 11:10 AM

I have uploaded wrong one. I will fix it with new patch.

Manna updated this revision to Diff 511486.Apr 6 2023, 11:19 AM

I have addressed @erichkeane's review comments.

Manna marked 4 inline comments as done.Apr 6 2023, 11:19 AM
Manna edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)Apr 6 2023, 11:22 AM
erichkeane accepted this revision.Apr 6 2023, 11:30 AM

These all LGTM.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Apr 6 2023, 11:30 AM
Manna updated this revision to Diff 511547.Apr 6 2023, 3:26 PM

Fix clang-format error.

Manna closed this revision.Apr 10 2023, 6:16 AM

I am closing this revision since it's already been pushed

Note, in the future, if in your commit message you do:

Differential Revision: <URL to the review>

the review will auto-close so you don't have to manually do so. AND it'll automatically link to the commit you made. It makes it easier to find your reviews as well from the git-log, so please do so!

Manna added a comment.Apr 17 2023, 7:31 PM

Thanks @erichkeane for the suggestion. I will follow it in future commits.

Note, in the future, if in your commit message you do:

Differential Revision: <URL to the review>

the review will auto-close so you don't have to manually do so. AND it'll automatically link to the commit you made. It makes it easier to find your reviews as well from the git-log, so please do so!