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[mlir][tensor][bufferize] Support memory_space on all tensor dialect ops
Changes PlannedPublic

Authored by springerm on Oct 17 2022, 3:19 AM.



This change adds memory space support during bufferization for tensor.from_elements, tensor.generate and tensor.pad.

Depends On D136063

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

springerm created this revision.Oct 17 2022, 3:19 AM
springerm requested review of this revision.Oct 17 2022, 3:19 AM
pifon2a accepted this revision.Oct 17 2022, 3:52 AM
This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Oct 17 2022, 3:52 AM
springerm planned changes to this revision.Oct 19 2022, 9:03 AM

This needs some more iterations. In the mean time, D136265 adds memory support for tensor.pad (but not the other two ops).