Debug position data is cleared after ScheduleDAGMILive::schedule() due to it also calling placeDebugValues(). Make it so the data is not cleared after initial call to placeDebugValues since we will call it again after reverting a schedule.
Secondly, since we skip debug instructions when reverting the schedule on AMDGPU, all debug instructions are now moved to the end of the scheduling region. RegionEnd points to the beginning of this chunk of debug instructions since it was not incremented when a debug instruction was skipped. RegionBegin may also point to the same debug instruction if Unsched.front() is a debug instruction thus shrinking the region to 1. Fix RegionBegin and RegionEnd so that they point to the current beginning and ending before calling placeDebugValues() since both vars will be used as reference points to move debug instructions back.
Does this mean the machine schedule will now iterate through all debug instructions for the function when scheduling each region?