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[libc++] Fix common_iterator for output_iterators

Authored by ldionne on Jan 16 2022, 7:24 PM.



We were missing a constraint in common_iterator's iterator_traits and
we were eagerly instantiating iter_value_t even when invalid.

Thanks to Casey Carter for finding this bug.

Diff Detail

Event Timeline

CaseyCarter requested review of this revision.Jan 16 2022, 7:24 PM
CaseyCarter created this revision.
Herald added 1 blocking reviewer(s): Restricted Project. · View Herald TranscriptJan 16 2022, 7:24 PM
Quuxplusone added a subscriber: Quuxplusone.

Nice catch! That test is a mess, though. I don't object to landing this as-is, just to fix the bug; I would also be happy to merge it into D117400. Your call.


Well this is weird. non_const_deref_iterator<int*>::iterator_category appears to be input_iterator_tag, but std::common_iterator<Iter, sentinel_type<int*>> is an output iterator instead?

Also, I'm seeing now that non_const_deref_iterator is a template, but it's used in only one place (with int*), so it can be massively simplified. Would you like me to just take this over and merge it into my existing D117400?

ldionne added inline comments.

Yeah, I'd like to understand this part as well.

I don't object to landing this as-is, just to fix the bug; I would also be happy to merge it into D117400. Your call.

I have a mild preference to merge this small fix as-is.


input_iterator requires that const iterators are dereferenceable. Hopefully it's obvious that is not the case for non_const_deref_iterator, so it does not trigger the iterator_traits<common_iterator<I, S>> partial specialization once that partial specialization is properly constrained to require input_iterator.

@ldionne rubberstamp here as-is, and revisit in D117400? :)


I get everything you said, but I still don't get why "Iter doesn't satisfy input_iterator" should lead us to "iterator_traits<CommonIter>::iterator_category is defined and is equal to output_iterator_tag." Like, Iter isn't an output iterator either... is it? So the most logical outcomes (in increasing order of wild-west-ness) would have been for CommonIter to be ill-formed, or for CommonIter to be well-formed but not an iterator, or for iterator_traits<CommonIter>::iterator_category to be defined as equal to iterator_traits<Iter>::iterator_category. Having it just randomly equal to output_iterator_tag seems bizarre!

(I'm not disputing that it's probably correct according to C++20; I'm just confused about both the mental model and, literally, I don't see by what codepath we end up with output_iterator_tag. Not that I've looked hard at all.)

ldionne added inline comments.Jan 18 2022, 8:41 AM

Thanks for explaining @CaseyCarter , but in that case I fail to see the point of this test at all. Instead, why don't we use common_iterator with an output_iterator, and then simply check that IterTraits::iterator_concept isn't defined (which would effectively be a regression test for your change). In other words:

using Iter = output_iterator<int*>;
using CommonIter = std::common_iterator<Iter, sentinel_type<int*>>;
using IterTraits = std::iterator_traits<CommonIter>;

static_assert(std::same_as<IterTraits::iterator_category, std::output_iterator_tag>);
// etc...

Do you agree that is what we want? Note that this won't work today because it appears that common_iterator<output_iterator<int*>> doesn't work at all today, but we can and should fix that separately (I have a WIP patch locally).

ldionne commandeered this revision.Jan 18 2022, 9:10 AM
ldionne edited reviewers, added: CaseyCarter; removed: ldionne.

Commandeering to fix common_iterator with output_iterator. I would have done it as part of a separate patch, but both are interdependent (I can't write tests for my part of the change without your changes).

ldionne updated this revision to Diff 400874.Jan 18 2022, 9:22 AM
ldionne retitled this revision from [libcxx] Constrain common_iterator's iterator_traits specialization to [libc++] Fix common_iterator for output_iterators.
ldionne edited the summary of this revision. (Show Details)

Fix common_iterator for output_iterator. Do you folks agree this is the right direction?

I continue to think all of these directions are better than the status quo. Consider me still "accept"ing.


Nit: Did you add line 34 to avoid prematurely instantiating iter_reference_t? Is it possible to regression-test for that? Should we? If removing line 34 would be conforming, I'd just do that.


IIUC this comment is misleading. iter_value_t for an ordinary C++11 output iterator is just ThatType::value_type. It's only if the iterator doesn't define a value_type, or defines it as a non-object type, that iter_value_t might be ill-formed.
Our test iterator's output_iterator<int*>::value_type is void, so its iter_value_t is indeed ill-formed, but that's a special property of our output_iterator, not all output iterators in general.

I'd like to see test coverage for "output iterator with valid value_type" added to iterator_traits.compile.pass.cpp above, even if this means defining a little helper type a la the OutIt in my godbolt.


Consider checking iter != sent on at least one of the previous lines.

LGTM, with Arthur's comments. (Although I'm fine with the extra typename requirement in __can_use_postfix_proxy.)


common_iterator assumes that non-input_iterators must be output_iterators. Testing with non_const_deref_iterator is equivalent to testing with output_iterator if we never dereference an iterator. common_iterator doesn't intend to be as general as possible: it exists only to adapt "new" iterator+sentinels into "old" iterator pairs. Consequently it has little patience with types that don't satisfy the concepts.


"need not be valid for output iterators" would be fine here.

ldionne updated this revision to Diff 402951.Jan 25 2022, 9:54 AM
ldionne marked 8 inline comments as done.

Apply review comments.


No, the constraint was redundant with simply using iter_value_t in the expressions themselves. Removed.


Agreed, the comment was wrong, I'll fix it. However:

I'd like to see test coverage for "output iterator with valid value_type" added to iterator_traits.compile.pass.cpp above, even if this means defining a little helper type a la the OutIt in my godbolt.

The problem is that even though iter_value_t<OutputIter> *can* be non-void, iter_value_t<common_iterator<OutputIter>> will never be, because we are now properly constraining the iterator_traits<common_iterator<...>> specialization to only work on input_iterators. So I can't add a test that checks that iter_value_t<common_iterator<OutputIter>> is going to be non-void.

Please LMK if you think I'm mistaken here.

I assume this is still OK, and still necessary, even after D117400 which I assume must have merge-conflicted with it a lot?


I haven't investigated so I assume you're not mistaken. Then it just sounds like my request shifts from test coverage for common_iterator<OutputIterWithNonVoidValueType>::iterator_category, to test coverage that common_iterator<OutputIterWithNonVoidValueType> is SFINAE-friendly ill-formed. I believe we have some prior art, shaped roughly like

template<class T>
concept HasCommonIterator = requires { typename std::ranges::common_iterator<T>; };
ldionne updated this revision to Diff 403379.Jan 26 2022, 12:49 PM
ldionne marked an inline comment as done.

Add test.

I assume this is still OK, and still necessary, even after D117400 which I assume must have merge-conflicted with it a lot?

Yes, still necessary. There were only small merge conflicts.


I'm not following. common_iterator<OutputIterWithNonVoidValueType> does work, it's only that you can't query its iterator_traits.

I added a test in iterator_traits.compile.pass.cpp which isn't the most useful (because it ends up basically testing the iterator_traits base template), but should clarify what I mean.

ldionne accepted this revision as: Restricted Project.Jan 26 2022, 1:18 PM

Will ship once CI passes unless @Quuxplusone has other comments.

This revision is now accepted and ready to land.Jan 26 2022, 1:18 PM
Quuxplusone added inline comments.

I'm not following. common_iterator<OutputIterWithNonVoidValueType> does work, it's only that you can't query its iterator_traits.

Well, now I'm confused. How can you have an iterator, that "works," but you can't query its iterator_traits? What does that even mean? I would think that by definition a "working iterator" must have iterator_traits that say it's an iterator. Otherwise it's not an iterator.

I pasted your NonVoidOutputIterator into a Godbolt; what happens after this patch? (Also I assume that spew on GCC indicates a libstdc++ bug @jwakely.)
I'm surprised that common_iterator<OI, ...>::value_type is void instead of OI::value_type, but I think that's what the standard literally says, yeah.

The CI only failed on Windows due to missing space. I'm going to ship this now, and we can make adjustments post-commit if the discussion ends up bringing up additional issues.


Sorry, I should have been precise. I don't mean that iterator_traits<common_iterator<OutputIterWithNonVoidValueType>> doesn't work. I mean that iterator_traits<common_iterator<OutputIterWithNonVoidValueType>>::value_type is void, despite OutputIterWithNonVoidValueType::value_type not being void. And yes, I think it's a bit silly, but it's definitely what the Standard says.

The reason is simply that iterator_traits<common_iterator<It>> requires It to be an input_iterator. If it is, then the value_type is properly forwarded through. If it isn't, then we end up falling back on the base template of iterator_traits (

Otherwise, if Iter satisfies the exposition-only concept __LegacyIterator, the member types are declared as follows:

Member type         Definition
difference_type     std::incrementable_traits<Iter>::difference_type if valid, otherwise void
value_type          void
pointer             void
reference           void
iterator_category   std::output_iterator_tag

That's my understanding anyways.

This revision was landed with ongoing or failed builds.Jan 27 2022, 7:57 AM
This revision was automatically updated to reflect the committed changes.