The llvm-mipdata tool is used to create, merge, and show machine profiles.
The compiler provides us with a map file default.mipmap at build time which we need to convert to a profile.
$ llvm-mipdata create -p default.mip default.mipmap
When we run the instrumented binary, it will produce a raw file default.mipraw that we can merge into our profile.
$ llvm-mipdata merge -p default.mip default.mipraw
Then we view the contents of the profile. If we have debug info, we can also view source info from the profile.
$ llvm-mipdata show -p default.mip --debug a.out _Z3fooi Source Info: /home/main.cpp:9 Call Count: 0 Block Coverage: COLD COLD COLD COLD HOT _Z3bari Source Info: /home/main.cpp:16 Call Count: 1 Block Coverage: HOT HOT COLD HOT HOT