parallelTransformReduce is modelled on the C++17 pstl API of
std::transform_reduce, except our wrappers do not use execution policy
parallelForEachError allows loops that contain potentially failing
operations to propagate errors out of the loop. This was one of the
major challenges I encountered while parallelizing PDB type merging in
LLD. Parallelizing a loop with parallelForEachError is not behavior
preserving: the loop will no longer stop on the first error, it will
continue working and report all errors it encounters in a list.
I plan to use this to propagate errors out of LLD's
coff::TpiSource::remapTpiWithGHashes, which currently stores errors an
error in the TpiSource object.
clang-tidy: warning: invalid case style for function 'parallel_transform_reduce' [readability-identifier-naming]
not useful